Crobat (Prime) from HeartGold & SoulSilver: Unleashed (#84), 5/14/2010

1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?

When the first scan of this card came out a lot of people became crazy about it. Though it is not terrible, it is not as extremely good as most people think.

2. What popular metagame decks could it be used in?

As of writing of this article, all cards in the Unleashed set are new and potential metagame decks involving cards from the Unleashed set may or may not be being developed for the popular cards in the set. This card is in the borderline of being good or terrible so we may not or may see this card in the metagame.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

This card's main advantages are that it has free retreat and all of its attacks costs only one psychic energy. This card could probably see action as a tech for decks which does not rely on a powerhouse Pokemon (like Gyarados) to win battles (Gengar decks etc). This is because Crobat's attacks are designed to cause heavy persistent damage (first attack's super poison type effect) and light damage sniping making Crobat excel in a support attacker role.

And of course the standard issue Rare candy which is the standard for all decks with stage 2 Pokemon.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

I am giving this card a 3.5/5 because though it does not live up to the hype it does have a bit of potential to make it big. People were so used to Crobat G that they forgot Crobat Prime was a stage 2 card and that Crobat Prime needed an energy card to use its attacks and that Crobat Prime has no magic Poke Power and that Crobat Prime cannot be Poke Turned.

Crobat Prime will never be even close to compare with Crobat G's quickness. However Crobat Prime has more potential to do damage because it can pretty much jump in and poison your opponent's Pokemon which deals a neat 4 damage counters each turn or snipe weak Pokemon at the bench for a quick prize card, and suddenly vanish when Crobat is weak because of free retreat however not being able to use Poke turn is a big liability as it prevents instant same turn retreats.

5. How's the artwork?

Not that special a 3/5
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
If you manage to get him out turn 1 with rare candy or BTS hee can be good for maybe quick donks before you opponent gets set up but he doesn't run too well on his own without support. The 4 damage between turns if your opponent isn't Steelix Prime or Unown G'd is pretty devastating if they don't retreat their card fast enough and then the Skill Dive is good if your opponent has a bunch of 30-60 hp bench pokes, but still not too runnable by itself.

2. What popular metagame decks could it be used in?
Not sure of any at the moment I'm actually thinking to muck around with it and figure one out.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
If you ran it with a couple of kingdra primes on your bench to add to the devastation it could be pretty dangerous but you'd still need a heavy hitter for you to retreat for if you do run into the Unown G or Steelix Prime.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
I'm gonna give it a 3 because despite not being too great at the moment it does have potential if more cards come out to help it out.

5. How's the artwork?
The artwork isn't as great as a bunch of the other primes but I'm not gonna complain about too much since I still love how I took down a T-Tar prime at Pre-Release with it because he couldn't get enough energy fast enough to kill me without killing his bench when trying to kill mine with Darkness Howl.
1.) On its own, wow. You're probably gonna need back-up. You're gonna try to stall and let your opponent bleed, but from there you're trying to do 30 damage to your opponent's Bench, if I must say, which is weak. You'll need more.
2.) None. It's unfortunate because you've got Unown G and Garchomp C LV.X and Luxray GL LV.X that have free Retreat Cost, so being Poisoned isn't that big of a deal.
3.) You've got Weezing GE and Dugtrio from Platinum which are OK, but Dialga G LV.X blocks them both. NOT good for Crobat Prime.
4.) I'll have to give him a 2.5 for now. Why? Because it's just not good enough yet. The format has bigger and better threats that leave Crobat in the dust, even though I like him. He's gonna see play after all the SP Pokemon go bye-bye and Unown G leaves.
5.) I don't mind it. O.O Crobat's face!

1)How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
This card is great, and definitely can stand on its own, Crobat have two effective attacks with only one energy! and can poison the opponent active pokemon plus a non-energy retreat cost. the only problem...if you want pure power like a Donphan deck or a high speed deck like Raichu, Crobat is not a option.
2)What popular metagame decks could it be used in?
A Psychic deck like Cursegar with many energy; you use your Crobat to stop your opponent active pokemon an then release Gengar or another pokémon in your deck.
3)What combos can you use it with? How so?
Gengar and Gengar lvX from Arceus using PoisonJab and CompoundPain and then release your Crobat and end have to be patient.
4)Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
I give a 4 of 5 because I miss a direct attack like skyattack, and others.
5)How's the artwork?
I don´t like it, its usual and averything that you can see is...Crobat...ok, Crobat, Golbat and Zubat don´t are giant pokémon like a tyranitar but, another position, an "Crobat...Skyattack!!!"...That´s all
1.How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
The Prime Crobat is a good card, but needs some support.

2.What popular metagame decks could it be used in?
Now comes the best part: I think it would be very good in this deck that I made:

Poison Reaction Custom Deck [PRCD]:
• Pokemon (21):
[1] Arbok: GE
[2] Ekans: GE
[2] Crobat (Prime): UL
[2] Golbat: UL
[3] Zubat: UL
[2] Weezing: GE
[3] Koffing: GS
[2] Muk: PL
[2] Grimer: PL
[2] Skuntank G: PL

• Trainers (21):
[2] Castaway: CG
[3] Celio's Network: CG
[1] Crystal Shard: CG
[1] Double Full Heal: DP
[1] Leftovers: GE
[2] Life Herb: UL
[1] Moonlight Stadium: GE
[1] Palmer's Contribution: SV
[1] Professor Oak's New Theory: GS
[3] Professor Rowan: SW
[2] Protective Orb: UF
[3] Rare Candy: UL

• Energy (18):
[1] Energy Call: MD
[2] Cyclone Energy: SF
[4] Double Rainbow Energy: OP5
[5] Psychic Energy: GS
[4] Rainbow Energy: GS
[1] SP Energy: RR
[1] Warp Energy: SF

The strategy is simple: You should only rely on Crobat (Prime) as fast as possible. Then, take advantage of the "Poke-Body" of Weezing to cause 100 damage in one round with only one energy. Good support and that the pre-evolutions of Crobat need only one energy to attack, like him, releasing energy to others.
Abuse of Skuntank G to poison the opponent. If you also get poisoned, use Full Heals, and Life Herbs. The Muk here and one of the assets. Reason: If the "Poke-Body" recovers 20 damage between turns, if you were poisoned. Because it will take 10 between turns, and -20-20 will be 20 bonus as HP recovery. Arbok now simply functions as a support for direct damages. If needed, use the Crystal Shard to change its type against opponents that use Psychic. The Leftovers remove 10 damage because of poisoning in some Pokemon your own. The moonlight Stadium here serves to help the Skuntank G and let you retreat freely after each onslaught. Teachers use to help you get what you need along with Castaway and Celio's Network. The Rare candy is only for the Prime Croba, Since it is the only stage on Deck 2. Use the Protective Orb against opponents who are accustomed to use decks like "Gengar & Nidoquen" or "PLOX".

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
View My strategy above.

4.Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
I think 4 / 5. Just do not have 5 stars because the Luxray GL knocks him quickly.

5. How's the artwork?
3 / 5. Not bad, but it's not the best. If not for the brilliance of "Prime" cards would be 2 / 5.

By: Arthur Campos

Note: Sorry for bad English, if something is out of compliance. I'm from Brazil, so my English is not the best. Credits to "Google Translator".
1. I think it's a great card. i believe that it certainly has the ability to stand on it's own. As of right now my main deck is centered around it and i've only lost one match with it. It's worth being played. It's fairly easy to get out on the field and has free retreat which makes it even better. The low energy cost attacks are also great.

2. It could possibly do good with Gengar.

3. Gengar AR, Giratina X, Drapion SF, Cacturne PL

4. I give it 5/5. I think this card is great and will be one of the most used after Unown g is out of circulation.

5. The artwork is ok. It's not the best there is but it's still good.