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ii defy

Aspiring Trainer
Just went to my first hobby league gathering after around 4-5 hears of absence and I managed to cobble this together between a starter deck and cards I pulled. I'm looking for what I should get rid of and what I should replace it with.

Trubbish x 4 (PS)
Garbodor x 2 (PS)
Foongus x 2 (PS)
Amoonguss x 2 (PS)
Turtwig x 3 (PS)
Grotle x 2 (PS)
Koffing x 2 (PS)
Weeing x 1 (PS)
Giratina x 2 (PS)
Zubat x 3 (PS)
Golbat x 3 (PS)
Crobat x 1 (PS)
Crobat x 1 (Promo,The same with a different picture.Is that legal)

Psyshic x 12
Grass x 6

Energy search x 2
Escape rope x 1
Team plasma grunt x 2
Hypnotoxic laser x 2
Skyla x 1
Pokemon communcation x 3
Virbank city Gym x 1
Colress x 1
Eviolite x 1

The main goal is to get Virbank City Gym and Crobat out at the same time to deal major damage doing 60 damage inbetween turns also Amoongus can inflict a status condition on a coin flip and Giratina does more damage if the pokemon has a status condition.

I notice that although there is a decent amount of energy in there I always get in situations where I get loads of pokemon but no energy.

Any help is appreciated :)
About the Promo Crobat, it's legal. It's the pre-release promo, right? Also, it would make it much easier to skim if the evolution lines were like this:

3-3-2 Crobat

Instead of:

3 Zubat
3 Golbat
2 Crobat.

Another thing that would be nice is to link scans of cards that aren't known as well as others. I will link some of them in my post.


Some of the evolutions are missing on some of these, and there also seems to be too many different evolutions. I would recommend cutting some of the evolutions and adding the final evolutions of some others.
The reason you keep drawing into pokemon is because you play too many of them and play very few ways to actually draw cards from your deck, which will get you nowhere and considering Giratina and Crobat take 3 energy each to use their attacks, you want this deck to be as fast and efficient as possible.

If you played a 4-5 years you must have like a billion Pokéballs lying around right? throw in 4 of those. Don't worry the text hasn't changed (not much anyway) alot so they'll be legal. It isn't the best form of search power, but until you can get your hands on 4 Ultra Ball and a couple of Level Ball they'll have to do. Now you have 7 cards which search for pokemon. Now you need more draw power. Remove the Grotle and Turtwig (why?) and the Weezing line and the Amoonguss line and remover the 2 Plasma Grunts and make you trainer look something like


+4 Pokéball
+3 Corless
+3 Cheren
+3 Professor Juniper
+1 Super Rod

And with the remaining 2 spots add another Crobat and Zubat so your line is a 4-3-3 line. Juniper/Corless/Cheren is essentially the back bone of your deck and will help you get what you need faster. heck you can even remove 3 Psychic energy (18 is too much anyway) and play 1 more Virbank City Gym and 2 more Skyla (gives you better chances of getting out Virbank as well as any other trainer via Skyla)
There are some more changes I would like to make:

-2 Golbat
-2 Energy Search
-3 Psychic
-2 Grass

+4 Rare Candy
+4 Blend GRPD
+1 Hypnotoxic Laser

The evolution lines seem to be all over the place. I agree with Poke Ball, it should be pretty good in this deck.
I play a Crobat deck and you need at least 2 virbank! A lot of the time now people are putting virbank a out a loft but for match ups against things like eels you need 2 just in case one gets taken away by them playing skyarrow. Also to go with what the other guys said you need a hell of a lot more draw power instead of the massive amount of pokemon and energy
3 Virbank would be good. Maybe 2 Virbank 1 Beach. You never now, may as well test it.
Yeah, Thanks for the replies....
The deck is alot more streamlined now as it's 4-3-4 crobat and 2-1-1 gallade.
I have 3 virbanks in there but i think I need to open some Boundaries crossed and earlier sets because I don't have any search cards that don't involve coin flips or N's etc.
If there is any chance, you should prob add 1 or 2 more virbank. I built a deck almost idenitical, and having only 1 could lead you at a disadvantage. Hope this helps.

Jagz817 aka Inferno Entei