Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

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RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the eleventh round (yppy)

No he isn't. XP

RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the eleventh round (yppy)


I just used EQ on a gengar by accident, how idioticly person

Remember, since this game is under the You-Person-Person-You Rule, this post does not count. ~Xous
RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the eleventh round (yppy)

Oh, what the heck. I may as well just post now. -_-; (Also, yes, I was watching.)

Remember that this game is under the You-Person-Person-You rule. In order for your post to count (and just so that you don't get a warning) make sure there are at least two different peoples' posts between your posts. Thank you.

RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the eleventh round (yppy)

I'll post so Xous can watch you all again. (Stupid Rule 3)
RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the eleventh round (yppy)

Cmon dont curse us with bad luck like that! Anways!

If we all work 2gether, we will be victorious! 2 victory!
A new age has begun, an age of freedom. And all will know that 50 consistent posts from non-mod poke-beachers gave their last breath to defend it!

Lolol 300 FTW
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