'Charisma of the Wrecked Sky,' Japan's SM7 Set Announced!

versatile card for ultra squid and set-up decks. I don't want to Judge myself to 4 cards early game.
  1. Rayquaza-GX - Prof. pokebeach, you nailed it! I am calling it, Rayquaza/Vikavolt 5 Geodudes
  2. Stakataka-GX - I can't understand the ability. Is this ability guards UBs or reduces dmg from UBs atk? The atks are fine and... Recycled? Especially the GX atk which is literally Pheromosa. 3-4 Geodudes.
Your ultra beast take 10 less damage from your opponents attacks, so any of your opponents attacks are reduced by 10 on your ultra beast pokemon in play
Hmm I can see this card being a one of in Buzzwole Lycanroc post rotation:

Ultra Ball - Lele - Lisia - Beast Energy & Diancie - plonk!
Did I miss where someone pointed out metal beast box decks next rotation? Metal and psychic just got buffed and so did fire.

Is there a new meta unfolding quietly?