BW/BW2 Changing BW Learnsets, Types, and Abilities

^Probably in case you didn't want to run the risk of missing and losing a ton of HP.

Now for the biggest mystery of all. Dragon Dance. We all know that Garchomp doesn't get it, but how about I told you Whiscash can learn it...Crawdaunt, Feraligatr, etc. Lots of Pokemon that aren't dragons or related to them.
Feraligatr gets Dragon Dance because it's based on a reptile. In fact, a lot of reptile pokémon learn dragon-type moves... that actually makes sense.
Now, Crawdaunt and Whiscash...

For Crawdaunt, this might be a clue:

I remember reading somewhere it was based on some japanese legend, but I'm not sure now...
I also found this:
Japanese Bronze Green Lacqur KOGO Lobster Dragon Meiji
I amoffering what I believe to be a rare Japanese bronze with Gilded interior andGreen lacquered exterior KOGO having an embossed Dragon Lobster on the lid and Waves embossed around the outside, probably from the Meiji period

For Whiscash, I found this:
The dragon was a very old and powerful symbol imported from China and was in old times the main culprit of earthquakes, however during the 18th century, a giant Namazu gradually replaced the giant dragon in the popular imagination. This change from dragon to Namazu was minor, because dragons were also associated to water and rivers and so were closely related to the catfish in the popular imagination.

I believe this association made by the population was probably also influenced by the whiskers, as oriental dragons are usually despicted with whiskers...

ps: I'm not sure if I can post those links but it's for people to see the pages by themselves...
^dragon dance implies dragons, and Id expect them not to destribute this based on your motto. Otherwise spinda would have it 0_0
While we are at it why dont we give Spinda RainDance too. A Spinda with TeeterDance, DragonDance, and RainDance... LOL
EDIT: Oh yeah, give it QuiverDance too. LOL

By the way, is this thread strictly 5th gen pokemon or does it also include 1-4 gens pokemon movepools in B/W?
SpaceBehemoth said:
^dragon dance implies dragons, and Id expect them not to destribute this based on your motto. Otherwise spinda would have it 0_0
Well, Pokémon like Gyarados can learn it. I don't want to see replies like "it's based off of a dragon lololol", because it is not a Dragon type and can learn Dragon Dance.
Many other reptile-like Pokémon (like Scrafty) can learn it, and it's obviously not a dragon, so you shouldn't need to be a dragon to learn how to dance like one.

Take Quiver Dance. Its Japanese name was Butterfly Dance, and Lilligant could learn it. Does that mean that Lilligant is a butterfly? No, it means she can dance like one.

@Pokefan4000: Just because Gyarados isn't dragon-type, doesn't mean it isn't a dragon. It IS a dragon (origin-wise)... And what about Charizard? It's not dragon-type either but are you really gonna tell me that Charizard isn't a dragon???
Zekrom... My oh my, how powerful. It can generate shadows with its claws and slice its enemies, harness the power of darkness in its jaws and clamp down on anything in its path, it has the ability to go on an outrage and destroy everything standing before it, it can generate loads of electrical energy and slam into its opponent, and has the ability to hurl rocks at its foe.


I know this sounds silly, but there are a lot of Flying types who don't even have a simple thing, gust. I know its not good for battling but cant a Pokemon w/ wings like Charizard be able to flap their wings and create enough force to blow something away. I mean really.
Metalizard said:

@Pokefan4000: Just because Gyarados isn't dragon-type, doesn't mean it isn't a dragon. It IS a dragon (origin-wise)... And what about Charizard? It's not dragon-type either but are you really gonna tell me that Charizard isn't a dragon???
It's in the name. Charizard. Char + Lizard. Lizards are reptiles just like dragons, but that doesn't mean Charizard IS a dragon (By your logic, you're telling me that Scrafty is a dragon as well). Yes, it shares several physical similarities with one, but Charizard is not a dragon.
^ Scrafty is a lizard. Charizard has wings. Charizard and Gyarados are both based off dragons. Can we please put this to rest and get back on topic?

Speaking of Scrafty, why doesnt it have Lick? After all it is a lizard.
Getting off the Dragon Dance topic, why is it that so many Flying-type Pokemon are not able to learn Acrobatics, a Flying-type move, yet there are so many non-Flying-types that can learn it?
^ I think that Acrobatics should be on all flying types, too. But I think it was meant to be for nimble, flexible pokemon, so I understand why the others have it.