Celebi's Fake Spoiler Competition. Competition over! Congrats Daren!

RE: Celebi's Fake Spoiler Competition. Round 3 started!

Muddy - 41/50
Staraptor and Munchlax is Weak. Nothing was creative here, Darkrai's Power wasn't worded right.

Pokemaniac - 45/50
All the Pika X bodies/powers seems a little overpowered. Nothing really special here. Everything seems plain and simple. Nothing much to say.

Milotic X attack is really overpowered. I feel Vulpix is a little too strong, its should be a shiny Pokemon. Ninetails body is also overpowered. I like Ninetails Lv.X though. You forgotten "Energy" after all your symbols. Overall, i like the idea.

I think the Celebi line is a little weak. Mew Lv.X Power is really overpowered. Articuno's Power is almost like Zapdos MD's one exept worse.

Daren- 47/50
You use both numerals and words for # damage counters. I really liked Rotom. Arceus is screwed, 0 damage ... and the energy switching thing is kinda pointless.
RE: Celebi's Fake Spoiler Competition. Round 3 started!

I still can't find your entry, Pokemaniac... Let me look again.

Edit: Found it. It was just on a different page.
There was one minor typo and "Weakness: Fighting x2; Resistance: Fighting -30" would be interesting. Which one is applied first?

Okay. Here are the final scores and places:


1st: Daren- 93/100

2nd: Pokemaniac- 92/100

3rd: Espeon- 91/100

4th: Zyflair- 90/100

5th: Muddy- 83/100

Congrats Daren. If you have Wi-fi, tell me when a good time is to trade.
I do but, I'm not quite sure how to use it,

Thanx for the great tourny, Celebi, it was fun!
And thus the end of the competition. Good day.

*Walks off to complete old spoiler project*
It would be nice to get the Shiny Nidoking but I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to use wi-fi
Well, go to the place in D/P where you can continue, new game, etc. and choose Nintendo WFC settings. Then it should be self-explanatory. PM me when you've done that.
I don't really have the stuff to give away. If you want to PM LV, you could ask her about it, but I don't want to pressure her more.