Help Buzz vs Sylveon


Aspiring Trainer
Been trying to perfect my play of Buzz on a fairly standard 3 baby buzz list. Recently been testing against a Sylveon GX deck as I want to improve my matchup against this deck (I really hate Sylveon and think there is a special hell for anyone that plays it).

Anyway I am having trouble against it so was just wondering if anyone could offer up some hints/tips for improving against this matchup.

Hello BashfulUK, TES here.

Sylveon mill should be an easy matchup for you. Attach energies on the bench buzz GX or attackers and preferably basic. I say this because if you attach special than your opponent is guaranteed the discard w/ E hammer. If you attach on the active it is guaranteed again discarded w/ e hammer of team flare grunt. Power up as many pokemon as possible with max elixir. When your ready to start swinging make sure you play N that turn. I say this because sylveon usually likes to magical ribbon and shuffling them back into the deck again could save your energies. When your opponent gets down to four prizes dig (not too much) for beast rings to flood your field with energies and set up attackers. Also during this turn use baby buzz to hit for up to 210. (Beast energy, Diancie, Regirock, Choice band. 120+30+20+10+30=210.) If your really worried you could teck in Oranguru ULP (Resource Management) if you want to. Hope this helped

Regards, TES.
tech in resource management oranguru and the matchup instantly becomes unlosable