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Burn Baby Burn (Entei-EX / Volcarona) BW-On


Aspiring Trainer
This is the deck list I made for this deck preparing for next year. It may stink but I am a newbie to competitive play again.

21 Pokemon
•3 Entei Ex
•1 Reshiram EX
•4-4 Volcarona (DE29-DE)
•3-2 Arcanine (NE10-NE12)
•2 Reshiram
•2 Victini (NV14)

22 trainers/supporters
•2 Heavy Ball
•2 Ultra Ball
•3 N
•3 Cheren
•3 Level Ball
•3 Energy Retrieval
•3 Pokemon Catcher
•3 Juniper

17 Energy
•15 Fire Energy
•2 Double Colorless Energy 
RE: Burn baby burn (entei/volcorona) BW-On

-2 Zekrom
-3 {L}
+2 Reshiram
+3 Juniper
The only {W} Pokemon seeing play currently is Kyurem, whose Weakness is {M}, so running Zekrom to cover your Weakness isn't going to work. This may change with Empoleon, but with Zeel dominating the format, I highly doubt it. You also need more Supporters, and it's hard to go wrong with Juniper. You also need more ways to get energy in the discard; I believe the only thing Heavy Ball searches for is Entei EX (possibly the Volcarona; I don't know) so with that in consideration, I'd run Ultra Ball instead. I'd also switch the Cherens for Sage's. That way, you would definately have energies in the discard by turn three.

Actually, now that I think about it, Blaziken and Reshiram are kind of redundant.
RE: Burn baby burn (entei/volcorona) BW-On

Have you considered Arcanine? it makes a great backup burner due to it's ability, and if you can get it up turn 2, many decks with a slower start, or that use evolutions, won't attack it for fear of doing so much damage to themselves form uber-burn. Also, if you run fliptini alongside it, it only has a 1/4 chance of discarding energy when it attacks. Its attack, which does 100, is pretty subpar, but with the boost for the epic burn, can bring it up to 140 or beyond.
With that in mind, I'd reccomend:
-2 Zekrom (Not needed... no water pokemon are played because of zeels fear)
-4-2-4 Blaziken (redundant... you shouldn't be attacking with this guy)
-3 Rare Candy (not needed without Blaziken)
-3 {L} (Not needed without Zekrom)
- 3 Heavy Ball (only gets entei... not really needed)
-3 Level Ball (doesn't get much of anything... not needed)

+2 Reshiram (This is a good backup attacker or starter. not having to rely on flips so much is good)
+3-2 Arcanine Blazing Mane (Quick and easy way to get your opponent's pokemon burned
+2 Fliptini (To boost arcanine)
+2 Battle City (No matter how underrated this card is, i still recommend it. not only does it get rid of your opponent's stadium, it gives you some extra drawpower)
+3 Pokemon Collector (to get out those enteis and fliptinis turn 1. Awesome supporter))
+2 Random Receiver (to help you get your supporters)
+3 Junk Arm (to reuse your energy retreivals and other items)
+1 N (3 is needed. Incredible for disruption, and your own drawpower)
+1 Cheren (3 is needed... It's a good card, and seems to be a lot of your drawpower)
+2 Ultra Ball (helps you get your evolutions out and energy into the discard)
+1 reshiram EX (If you've already added Fliptini, this card makes for an awesome heavy hitter late game)