Writing Blood, Sweat, and Pokemon: The story of when pokemon came into our world.

Sorry for the lack of chapters. Our grading period ends soon so my teachers are giving us tons of work. But anway here's the next chapter!

Chapter Seven
“Ugh. My head.” Ash said. He was laying in a soft bed. He raised his hands and felt his head. It was had a bandage on it. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a hospital room and Lilly was sitting next to his bed. “Finally awake are you?” a voice said. He looked over and saw Davis leaning against a wall. He walked over to the bed as Ash sat up. “What happened?” Ash said “The last thing I remember is flying on Charizard’s back.”. “Well.” Lilly said biting her lip. “You tried to jump through the wormhole in D.C and as you did it closed.”. “I found you laying on the ground.” Davis said. “You must have hit your head pretty hard because you were bleeding a lot.”. “So I guess I’m out of commission for a while.” Ash said sitting up.
“Actually it’ll only be a few days.” Davis said. “Thank God.” Ash said. “We actually found a wormhole that looks stable.” Lilly said. “The only problem is that it’s smack dab in the middle of Iraq.”. “Um, excuse me but.” Ash said looking puzzled “What’s an Iraq?”. “It’s a country.” Davis said. “It’s a country that’s filled to bursting with terrorists and is in a state of civil war.”. “So if all this is going on in Iraq how am I supposed to get to the wormhole?” Ash asked. “Me, you, Lilly and a couple of guys from my unit are going to get on a chopper and fly over there. We’ll then land at the closest base to the wormhole. Then we’ll get a couple of Jeeps and head to the wormhole.”. “Alright then.” Ash said sighing. “I guess all I have to do now is wait until I can fight again.”
So Ash laid there for three days waiting until he would be released. On his third day there Lilly came into his room and said “Come on Ash! You’ve been released! Davis is waiting in the car downstairs.”. She helped him out of bed and handed him his clothes. “I got them washed so you’d have something clean to wear.” She said. “Thanks.” Ash said. He walked into the bathroom and changed. He looked in the mirror in the bathroom as he took the bandage off his head. He had a cut on the side of his head but it looked like it was almost done healing. He’d probably have a scar now but it wouldn’t be the first. He pulled up his shirt sleeve and examined the one on his right arm. Then pulled down his shirt and looked at the one on his chest. Well third times a charm. He walked back out of the bathroom and followed Lilly out of the hospital room. They walked down the hallway and into the elevator. Lilly pushed the one button and the elevator started moving down. It reached the first floor in no time and the stepped out of it.
The two of them walked out of the hospital and Davis was sitting there in a red Mustang. They walked down the stairs and jumped in. Ash got in the back and Lilly got in the front. As they pulled out of the parking lot an SUV pulled out behind them. “There’s my boys.” Davis said looking in the rear view mirror. They drove about an hour until they reached a military base. They parked and got out. The five of them walked inside. Davis walked up to a front desk and talked to the lady sitting there. She nodded and called for someone over here shoulder. A woman walked out of a door next to the front desk and led them out behind the base. There were six choppers sitting out there. The woman walked over to one and climbed into it. The five of them followed her and sat down in the chopper. The engines started up and the chopper blades started to whir. The took off and started flying. It took them several hours to get to Iraq but they did. They landed at a military base and as the choppers engines turned off and the blades slowed down Ash smelled smoke and heard guns firing in the distance. This was going to be fun.