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Blazideath 3.0(reworked AGAIN!) MD-on??


Aspiring Trainer
This deck has been worked on more times then i care to count. It STILL needs a bit of help(more like advice...whether card A is good, or should I replace it with card B. That sort of thing) Here's my current list:
Manz: 21
4-2-4 Blaziken PL{R}
3-1 Blaziken FB Lv. X{R}
1-1-1 Typhlosion Prime{R}
3 Uxie LA{P}
1 Azelf LA{P}

T/S/S: 28
4 Rare Candy
2 Expert Belt
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Warp Point
1 Luxury Ball
3 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Judge
3 Seeker
1 Twins
1 Palmer's Contribution
2 Broken Time-Space

NRG: 11

Strategy: Build up Blaziken PL's, a Blaziken FB, attach DCE, and start dropping the clutch and using Fire Breath. Once I get Lv. X out, i can clutch for 80, or 100 with burn. Adding the E-brake(expert belt) adds more pain for my opponent. Warp Points are mainly for things like Paralysis, and retreating for free, and Oak's/Judge is for hand-refresh. This is mainly a casual deck, so i don't really need SP counters or anything like that. I'm just looking for the usual speed/consistency issues and things like that. Any/all advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
RE: Blazideath 2.0.1(reworked AGAIN!) DP-on

BUMP.....anyone see anything that could make this deck faster/more consistant? Anything at all?
RE: Blazideath 2.0.1(reworked AGAIN!) DP-on

- 2 pokemon reversal
+ 2-1-2 typlosion prime
-2 uxie
+1 poke comm

If your playing claydoll then you don't need uxie, also setting up 3 stage 2's is a lot faster.
Use the typlosions to burn your blaziken to get the energy back on him. Then nidoqueen heals him.
Not sure why your playing dp on tho?
RE: Blazideath 2.0.1(reworked AGAIN!) DP-on

I ditched the 2 remaining Pokemon Reversal like I planned to and added 2 Professor Oak's New Theory. It's good hand refresh that until now, the deck was lacking. I can't make this deck legal because it can't effectively use Ninetales HS. I've tried, and failed...miserably. This deck doesn't like energy in the d-pile, which is what Ninetales does. I have no way of recovering it short of using Blaziken GE(which is also not legal....lucky me!) I'd love to make this deck legal, but i just don't think it's gonna work. ANYWAYS, Uxie is needed to get Claydol onto the battlefield, and for random drops throughout the game. Uxie speeds up Claydol. Typhlosion actually does seem like a good idea, however he can't use DCE, and is a rather lackluster secondary attacker. Not only that, keep in mind that I also have to get Blaziken FB X active, leveled up, and back on my bench as well. Plus, adding a 2-1-2 line and deleting 1-0-1 would slow Blazi down a bit, IMO.
I may be willing to drop 1 Uxie, but then it's sort of a crap shoot what to fill that 1 spot with.(for the record, inserting the word "crud" there sounds totally stupid)
RE: Blazideath 2.0.1(reworked AGAIN!) DP-on

Not sure. Might be too clunky but idk. I suppose i could try it, but i have no idea what to get rid of for Fisherman.
I played something similar but with snorlax rr as the attacker (no need for details)... I played some sp things in it, like sp radar and energy gain. So that i could use blaziken FB faster. Since you don't have energy gain or level max to get blaziken fb lv.X to our bench you could put in 1 unown q. It would let you to retreat freely with blaziken fb and uxie. Making it so much easier to get blaziken FB and still attack with blaziken PL without waisting your energy.

Take out: -1
1 Rare candy (i don't think you will need 4 of this. And you do play BTS)

Put in: +1
1 Unown Q (MD)
