Best set released so far

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RE: worst ex

to me it is sneasel ex and also magcargo ex. the ex version is worse than it's non-ex version( sneasel neo genesis-beat up and magcargo neo revelation).

but I don't know why that all the recent star pokemon are just plainly stupid and useless as compared to ex despite of its high status of rarity.
RE: Worst * Pokemon in the TCG

of all only the * pokemon from TRR, Deoxys and Legend Maker are ok (not that bad). * pokemon from Unseen Forces, Delta Species are all plainly useless.
RE: Worst * Pokemon in the TCG

Actually, the *'s from Delta arent too bad. Kyogre* is ACTUALLY playable with certain cards, like Blastoise ex or even by itself it isnt Too bad. The most unplayable *'s are from UF. TRR and DX *'s are pretty average and LM *'s are alright.
RE: Worst * Pokemon in the TCG

Shining Entei, Suicune, and Raikou work well when you are behind on prizes. Suicune and Entei work excellently for delivering a finishing blow when you have one prize left (or two prizes vs. a POKéMON-ex), since discarding all energies or 10 cards from your deck are negligable. Raikou can't do the same thing. If you have 1 prize left, you use Meta Voltage, and it knocks out enough of your own monsters, the game could go into Sudden Death, or give your opponent a victory if it knocks out everything you have. Therefore, I consider Shining Raikou to be the worst of them all. All of the other Shining POKéMON can be used in specialized decks, but Raikou can't.

As bass_forte mentioned, Ray is the best of the lot. One idea is to use it in conjunction with Mew-ex. Ray doesn't do a good job of attacking normally, but you don't have to worry about that with Mew-ex, since you can just copy the attacks of other monsters until you are ready to use Holy Star. Too bad Ray won't survive the next format rotation...
RE: Worst * Pokemon in the TCG

jayh272416 said:
Rayquaza * is crap
Lati@s * needs 3 different energy to attack
Treecko *, Mudkip *, Torchic * all can't do much
Entei * is horrible, discarding top 10 cards from deck
Raikou * can harm himself
Suicune *- Whaddis This!?? Discard all energy to your own Pokémon
The DS and LM stars are still OK

That's almost all the stars in the game, and Suicune is cool.
RE: Worst * Pokemon in the TCG

Raikou as everyone has said is the most dangerous to use. Lati@s are horrible from my point of view.

The only stars I would play are the DS ones. Metagross * looks and works really cool
RE: Worst * Pokemon in the TCG

latias is a good star for it can heal your bench i see it as the second best star rayquaza is the best star.
RE: Worst * Pokemon in the TCG


RE: worst ex

sceptilerancher blaziken ex is the best ex eva other than the Dustox EX!

Worst would hafta be..... Ah! I know! Sceptile EX just is ridiculous
RE: worst ex

Jayh, no need to resort to that.

That said, however, IMO Sceptile ex is pretty bad.

HP: Decent
First attack: Awesome
Second attack: Meh
Third attack: Sucks, 5 for 100 & can't do next turn

Its first attack is ridiculously awesome.. but it's not worth the two prizes.

Rocket's Zapdos is pretty horrible..

Actually, make that Rocket's... ArticunoEnteiMoltresScizorScytherSnorlaxZapdos exes. =_=
RE: Worst * Pokemon in the TCG

Jayh272416, you make me sad. Rayquaza* is amazing. Unless you live an ex-less format, Rayquaza* is a lovely piece of candy to dish out on your opponent.

While it's cool, I think that...

Gyrados*-d is the worst star. Think about it, discarding your entire deck except one card is awful. Even if you K.O. whatever your opponent's Active is, you had better win right then and there.

Otherwise, the deck idea of playing Gyrados*-d is cumbersome. You can only replenish the deck once in order to make it work twice (Seeing how the ERS and Holon Farmer and like has to all be in your hand)...therefore unable to envoke the attack again and again.

It's a one-time, once-only Pokemon* that's ONLY use is as a finishing Pokemon. Gyrados*-d does a GREAT job of OHKO'ing anything, but it cannot be played as a prime focus of the deck.

And as for Raikou*...think about it in a ZRE deck. You blow up a Trode, and then make use of Raikou*'s 70 damage. You can use it until you've drawn 3 Prizes, which you should be able to do swiftly.

-Holy Star
RE: Worst * Pokemon in the TCG

Nah, Gyarados isn't that bad...

Think of it this way. With the Regi-*s, you're probably gonna lose next turn. Gyarados, on the other hand, gives you one more turn, if you want to switch or something.

Eg. your opponent has an un-koable ex (for this turn), and 3 prizes left. Finish Burn the ex, and if your bench'd Pokemon can kill what's left, you win.

I can really see Gyara working better than the Regis. But that's just me.
RE: Worst * Pokemon in the TCG

The way I see it, Shining Pokémon generally aren't to be used as a main attacker, or even a supporting attacker. They are to be used to escape a tricky situation, or deliver a finishing blow.

They also have an element of surprise, similar to the legendary birds EX: FrLg; they are so frequently left in binders and other places that opponents do not expect them to appear at change the tide of the game.

This doesn't count Zapdos-ex in Zapturndos and ZRE decks- you can almost always predict their appearance.
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