Best Cards in Majestic Dawn!

porygon z lv.X,Fossilutions,leafeon X, glaceon X,Phione,Empoleon and Infernape.

garchomp does'nt have very good moves and your better of having it in the game.
This is kind of a tough one, not 100% sure what I think. I'm going to have to say Glacy X, Leafy X, and Z x, (not a chomp fan) Phione, eeveelutions, moltres, Empoleon, and the fossils, those are the main ones at least.
I liked the fossils alot, although I also really liked the small less useful commons. I liked the Bronzor and Spearow. However I didn't like the multiple versions of pokemon like the three DP starters and Aipom.
Omaster, Leafeon lv.x, Chatot, Phione, Kabutops, Call Energy, Glaceon Lv.x, Scizor, and Empoleon