Bending cards


I'm sure I'm not the only one to see this, but some of my holographic cards (Matrix energies, etc.) Start to bend in one particular direction. Some bend inward from the sides and some bend in from the top and bottom.

I was just wondering, is there a way to stop this? I have top-loaders, binder, books, etc. Is there any secrets to stop this? It's really frustrating! Thanks!
This happens to me too. I personally think that this happens from the constant light reflection, soon making the card bend. I don't know for sure, however. I just make sure that if one of my binders have a lot of RH cards in them, I close it right when I'm done.
I think it's from humidity. I airseal mine with a vacuum if they're really rare so they are bent like you described and it works.
idk, this happpens to all of my rev holo cards if I don't put them in a tin almost asap. It constantly annoys me.
I get them out of the pack a lot and personally I just bend them back gently and there are no crease marks or anything.
It's caused by humidty. It slowly soaks the card and causes the paper to expand slightly. However the foil cannot expand so the growing outside bends to componsate the non growing inside holo side.
I've noticed this afew times myself don't worry though if you want to use the card in a deck just sleeve it normally the sleeve should straighten it out plus the other cards in the deck will flatten it out