baby pokemon and cessation crystal


Aspiring Trainer
how much does cessation crystal interfere with the ability of baby pokemon to evolve. i mean could one still evolve but the damage would remain because cessation crystal blocks to pokebody or does it block the possibility of evolution entirely?

also, has anyone ever build a baby deck worth a damn? i want to try something with jinx (pure power) and wobuffet (shadow tag)
Yes the pokepower can't be use so you cant remove the damage evoving but can still evove
That archetype deck^^ was used with Mew ex called Mynx but PKM Reversal's gone so know people just use those two. Check the decks in the deck garage for help..;)

dmaster out.
Actually... you can't evolve as the evolution doesn't say "evolves from name". Therefore, without BBEvo, you can't do anything with it.

I have a deck based around Burning with Baby Pokémon with an increadibly fast setup, as all Pokémon are pretty much Baby Pokémon.
d master342 said:
That archetype deck^^ was used with Mew ex called Mynx but PKM Reversal's gone so know people just use those two. Check the decks in the deck garage for help..;)

dmaster out.

I consider you mean Swoop! Hand extention? Mynx used Mew Ex. Jynxfett doesn't. Jynxfett was pretty populair back then