Ash Goes on a Date

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PMJ said:
Well, her only son is in love. She supports his choice. :>

Oh man, it's an emotionally built storyline as well.

That's it. PMJ...
I give you the 'Champ prize for creating an outstanding piece of work. :p
PokeChamp said:
PMJ said:
Well, her only son is in love. She supports his choice. :>

Oh man, it's an emotionally built storyline as well.

That's it. PMJ...
I give you the 'Champ prize for creating an outstanding piece of work. :p
Suck up...:p

And you should make a character shadow of this, like, make a story based on what Bertha is doing before her lover comes. :p
Great idea. Here it is:

Bertha was overjoyed. Ash, the love of her life, had expressed an interest in taking things a step further. How incredible!

She went home and scribbled a note:

Dear Ash,

Meet me tonight at The Wooper's Face restaurant. I'll make all your dreams come true, as you've made mine come true.

Love, Bertha

Bertha sealed the note in an envelope and sent out her trusted Gliscor.

"Take this letter to Ash's house, on the double. He lives in Pallet Town," she ordered. Gliscor gripped the letter in his tail claw and soared from the hotel, straight out of the window. As he fulfilled his mission, Bertha decided she needed some fly gear if she was going to make Ash happy. She phoned Waterina, Misty's 90-year-old grandma, and asked her if she had anything. Much to Bertha's dismay, everything Waterina owned was blue.

But, it was for Ash, so Bertha decided to suck it up and take this woman's clothes.

A simple blue gown. Sparkly blue heels. Blue hairpins. Surely, Ash would like this?

She flew to Cerulean City, stood outside The Wooper's Face, and waited.

(scene cut to Gliscor)

Gliscor was mad.

"How does she even expect me to find this kid's house???" he fumed in spatterings of his own name. "Not like I've ever been...wherever this godforsaken region is. I wanna go home. Bertha is 127 years old. I'm surprised she can even blink without going into cardiac arrest, let alone wait in the cold for some kid who is probably killing her as we speak. There's no way he would want to be with Bertha anyway."

He contemplated this. He looked at the message he was charged with delivering. "And if she's dead..."

Another moment of contemplation.

"...then that means..."

Another tense moment.

And then... realization.

"I'm free! I'm free! I can be my own Gliscor!" He unclamped Bertha's letter, and let it flow freely in the wind. "Die, infernal note of Hades! FIRE FANG!" Clamping down on it at light speed, Gliscor ate the note, then swooped away as the embers fell into Viridian Forest and burned it to the ground.

(later that evening...)

Bertha looked at her Wormadam Sandy Cloak watch. Quarter to 11. The Wooper's Face is closed. But where was Ash?

"He'll show...I know he will... I love him... I'll wait for him forever if need be..."

(three weeks later)

They embraced. Ash spoke up. "You look aesthetically pleasing."

The rest... is history.
LOL, it's always nice to read a good, short, funny story.
That part with Gliscor was great! :p
I just remembered who Bertha was. o_0 I'm going to have nightmares tonight...:( *weird farty strained sound comes from trying not to laugh*
PROTECTION! I'm 11, and know what that means, sad, isn't it?
Yes! Just like I hoped it would be, but better! I love the 3 weeks part. Didn't see that coming at all. lol! =D Great job!
lol protection (that was an intentional pun right?)
lol bertha (hawtness)
lol burned veridian forest
lol cardiac arrest

PMJ you killed me at the protection part. o-o

But still a nice funny story to put meh to sleep. :p

D: This is going down a worse path now.

dmaster out.
Alright, you just blew away the first part. The second part is just better in every way. I like how Gliscor burned down Viridian City. ; )

Great writing, as usual, and imo, it's actually good now.
Excellent job, PMJ.
Ash has awesome protection.

The Farfetch made my day.

Also I forgot who Bertha was.


Love could be swapped with "choose" considering the picture of Ash.
Aw, how sweet and mushy... Hugging at the end (three weeks later?), despite the wicked Gliscor almost tearing them apart.

Anyways, funny story, and a nice, short read. :3
Oh my god.

I wrote the Bertha POV last night when I was like DEAD TIRED after having been up for like, a full day.

I just read it again for the first time, wide awake. LOL

I don't know what people keep laughing for about the protection bit. Ash is a young man! He needs protection! It's for his own good! Pikachu is there to provide it for him.

Also I don't know why you guys seem to think this story is going to continue. There wasn't even supposed to be a second part but I guess my sleep-addled brain was like LOL OKAY and well... that's what I write when I'm tired, I guess.
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