

Mewtwo's best friend
why do most people think that armaldo wont do so good this season ?
i mean with the right cards you gan get set up really fast whilst doing 60 then 100 damage aswell as stopping any thing less than 60. i kknow you will if the person not using armaldo has a plus power or bucks but your'e not always going to have those if the player using armaldo got a turn three armaldo the plus powers/bucks arnt going to be much help. Even if you do more then 60 it still has 140 wich is awsome.well any way my questiuon is why do most people think armaldo wont do good this season?
RE: Armaldo!

3 energies, a possible failed 100, due to warp point, and a heck of a lot of ways to do 70+ damage.
Just because Kingdra MIGHT have that 60-only-damage issue, doesn't mean the rest to LA cards does.
RE: Armaldo!

i know that but ikm not on about just LA i mean the whole of the next format
RE: Armaldo!

If it has trouble getting attention in LA, how can it gain attention in the whole fromat?
RE: Armaldo!

zyflair said:
3 energies, a possible failed 100, due to warp point, and a heck of a lot of ways to do 70+ damage.
Just because Kingdra MIGHT have that 60-only-damage issue, doesn't mean the rest to LA cards does.

i have to say when i play my friend at league with his armo deck my speedra has a really hard time...:(
RE: Armaldo!

tell me exactly how many Bucks/pluspower you stuck in there?
RE: Armaldo!

zyflair said:
tell me exactly how many Bucks/pluspower you stuck in there?

but if you not expecting to see armaldo why would kingdra bung it up with plus power or bucks?
RE: Armaldo!

Because Pluspowers and Buck's are useful outside of Armaldo- they're great for killing 70-80 HP enemies, or ensuring the KO on 130 HP enemies (you can't snipe everything. :/)
RE: Armaldo!

Armaldo , is fail
3 for 60 , and waiting a turn for 100 , stupid
a stage two and a stage two of a fossil

yes there are ways of speeding up the energy but thats adding in 2-2-2 leafeon. (having to switch and LV.x up and that's less room for trainers/energy)

Armaldo just won't do good in this fast season.
RE: Armaldo!

Lion king said:
a stage two and a stage two of a fossil

If it's a main attacker, being a fossil evolution is good. Because of Fossil Retriever. :D Though I guess the fossils still aren't a cinch to get out...

Unfortunately, Armaldo fails against everything EXCEPT Kingdra. I guess it's not too bad against Empoleon though. Or Lanturn. Hmmm. Still, it fails against most things, though.
RE: Armaldo!

" Even if you do more then 60 it still has 140 wich is awsome" If it does more than 60, it does 70+ which is OHKO or THKO and neither are good. I played it for a while...Armaldo=Poop
RE: Armaldo!

^ Wow T-Tar, what's with the sudden opinion change on Armaldo?

mattlax: Pluspower/Bucks is useful in every macthup whether you know it or not. Kingdra then can 2HKO 130 hp Pokemon (Which is so common), and can OHKO 70 hp starters (Jirachi for example).
RE: Armaldo!

zyflair said:
^ Wow T-Tar, what's with the sudden opinion change on Armaldo?

mattlax: Pluspower/Bucks is useful in every macthup whether you know it or not. Kingdra then can 2HKO 130 hp Pokemon (Which is so common), and can OHKO 70 hp starters (Jirachi for example).

very true but your not allways going to have them you can have four of each if you use them all you cant get them back as were i can get the armaldo's back. all im saying is with the right cards it can be fast.
RE: Armaldo!

Yes, but not as fast as Kabutops.

See, I've been wondering what the difference between the two was, then I realize that Kabutops has a much faster setup than Armaldo due to its pre-evo's powers and bodies.

Sure I'm not going to be able to pull out a PP every time I attack, but I still can 2HKO you.
RE: Armaldo!

zyflair said:
Yes, but not as fast as Kabutops.

See, I've been wondering what the difference between the two was, then I realize that Kabutops has a much faster setup than Armaldo due to its pre-evo's powers and bodies.

Sure I'm not going to be able to pull out a PP every time I attack, but I still can 2HKO you.

but so can i. it will still take you 3 turns to power up and thats the same for me.
RE: Armaldo!

If I retreat, then its 3HKO, and its not hard to constantly supply energies.
RE: Armaldo!

zyflair said:
If I retreat, then its 3HKO, and its not hard to constantly supply energies.

but while you do that ill be builing up another armaldo or 2.
RE: Armaldo!

While trying to build on energies of 3 on each? Good luck.

Honestly, Kingdra vs Armaldo matchup is between 50-50 to 45-55. Armaldo obviously has an advantage with its defense, but Kingdra can destroy all pokemon that haven't reached that stage.

Also, I can build Kingdras the same time you're building Armaldos.
all im saying is that it has a good chance against any thing apart from bellplume.because of its body it makes it ok i would say IMHO.
RE: Armaldo!

Still, it is decent, I will not deny that. The only thing I worry about Armaldo is its speed. Either it's T3 or T2 with a Registark engine.