BW/BW2 Are CoroCoro revealing too much too quickly?


Wanna-be mod
I mean they had already shown Japan some new Pokemon then Pokemon Sunday revealed their silhouttes. Still, early new Pokemon never hurt Anyone. I cannot wait for Generation 5 to come. Roll on Spring 2011!
RE: Are CoroCoro revealing too much to quickly?

It's never too early. >:3
I'm just hoping Pokemon like Dunsparce and Smeargle get an evolution... (preferably a pre-evolution for Smeargle).
RE: Are CoroCoro revealing too much to quickly?

Yeah but I mean Pokemon should keep up with the sources. A Dunsparce evo would be cool.

Mewtwo Is the Best said:
by this time in d/p's development we already knew like 20 pokemon lol

Hmm. Yes but why did they release Pachirisu so early? He isn't like starly at all and they always release easy to get Pokemon early usually.
RE: Are CoroCoro revealing too much to quickly?

PokabuLugia said:
I mean they had already shown Japan some new Pokemon then Pokemon Sunday revealed their silhouttes.

No. The new Pokémon are shown in CoroCoro, which is set for a release this Tuesday:

1. Sunday reveals silhouettes!
2. CoroCoro reveals Pokémon!
3. Sunday reveals Pokémon with video footage!

That's how it goes.
I'm pretty sure the official release date for Corocoro is the 15th, everything was just leaked early like every month. So Sunday is fine imo. But I could be wrong. Don't take my word for it.
RE: Are CoroCoro revealing too much to quickly?

FireMeowth said:
No. The new Pokémon are shown in CoroCoro, which is set for a release this Tuesday:

1. Sunday reveals silhouettes!
2. CoroCoro reveals Pokémon!
3. Sunday reveals Pokémon with video footage!

That's how it goes.

Sorry. Wrong order.
RE: Are CoroCoro revealing too much to quickly?

PokabuLugia said:
Sorry. Wrong order.

That's how it normally goes but this month is different based on when the Tuesday is or something
I like how they're revealing things quickly (for now). Nintendo is releasing quite a bit of major titles for one year, and they're working on some too. Pokemon Black & White is obviously apart of this collaboration of future hit titles.
I actually like it that CoroCoro is revealing things earlier. We people can actually speculate about more if things are revealed more earlier on.
Ok its like only 3 months untill there released Black&White and we only know 14 new Pokémon
I think 3 months before Diamond & Pearl came out we knew all the Pokémon
I hope the reveal alot more in there next isshu
CANT wait!!!
That is true... I do wish they would pick the speed up just a tiny bit, but it's overkill to know everything and still have 3 months to go.
I just gained internet access right before Diamond and Pearl was released, so I don't know how much they actually revealed before the game released. However, in my humble opinion, they are not revealing enough (Nintendo or CoroCoro). I think we should be getting the starter evolutions on July 12th (Serebii said that is when the next pack of scans will be revealed).
Considering they've kept their mouths shut about gen 5 until very recently, and the game is due for release in a few short months, I would say no, they are not revealing too much too quickly.
Agreed. I mean, we've only got 3ish CoroCoros before the game comes out.

They still have to reveal:
Every town except Hiun
Every pokemon -7
All gyms (Minus the honey-wall thingy that has Gym theme music)
Bad team
How this 'making decisions' thing works
How this 'internet play' thing works
Various gizmos and gadgets that are new
New TM set/HM set yeah. Still plenty of things to reveal. Can't go fast enough.