Are any of the old cards really sought after anymore?


I know most of them aren't much compared to today's cards, such as the ex's and Lv. X's. I remember Southern Islands used to be great, but what happened?

=/ What IS sought after? I have lots of old cards, I was just wondering. Is Pikachu's Birthday the rarest card in the world still? Was it ever?

Mind you happy birthday pikachu isn't the rarest card in the world. Collectors are the ones seeking old cards thus they offer a lot for them. Players won't mind much as they are already banned so they aren't worth much. It really matters who you're trading with. Collector or player.
pikachus b-day is rare but not that rare and prety much only collectors are lookin for old cards.
i heard charizard ex , firered and leafgreen is worth like 100-200[dollars]
base set charizard 20-40[dollars]