A Few Questions!


Aspiring Trainer
1. How do you store your cards? If you keep them in a binder do you keep them in any certain order?

Me: I keep my cards in a binder and i put them in the order of what card they are in the set. For instance im collecting the diamond/pearl set now and lucario is 6/130 so i put him in the 6th spot.

2. How many sets are there going to be for the Diamond/Pearl series. There is a mystery of the lakes set coming in August. is there going to be more?
1. I myself sort them by set, followed by Rarity. Thats about it.

2. Unknown how many there will be. They'll continue till the 5th gen prolly.
1. A Binder works. I just go by type and rarity, and in the rarity sections by playability.

2. Ugh. Noone knows. I'm guessing 3. Then they'll just break off to normal sets like we've had. R/S only lasted 1, so who knows.

Arcanine out.
1) Card boxs for mutliple commons/uncommons and some rares/holos and binders for collections (in numerical order)
2) I heard 5.
1) 2 Giant cardboard boxes for commons/uncommons, 1 Slightly Smaller cardboard box for Good commons/uncommons, I sort the cards in my folder by rarity, Non Holo Rare then Holo Rare then Reverse Holo then EX and Stars and then Super Special stuff, like my autographed Nidoqueen signed by Jeremy Maron <3

2) there will be at least 5, Coming soon is Mystery Of The Lakes and then Shining Darkness. no news on the 4th set yet
1. I have a folder where I have a pokedex at the front (1 card of every pokemon in the national pokedex order), then I have cards of my very favourite pokemon and then after that I have other favourite cards which includes all my ex/star cards. Right at the back I file any sets I managed to complete. Anything not in my folder is kept in boxes.
2. There is at least 5 according to the rumours
1. I have several folders where I sort them in alphabetical order, with Pokémon first, then trainers and finally, energy. I also ae 2 other folders, one with unlimited cards that I picked up a few years ago, and another massive one with cards from Base Set to Skyridge for the first 150 Pokémon plus trainers from those sets.

2. At least 5, probably more.
I got one 80-card binder, totally stackes with reverse holos.
I got another 180 card binder but the card gaps break easily, so I don't carry it around.
I got a cardboard box to store my uncommons/commons and my deck ( I'm still waiting for the day I win a deckbox =P )
StealthAngel667 said:
I got one 80-card binder, totally stackes with reverse holos.
I got another 180 card binder but the card gaps break easily, so I don't carry it around.
I got a cardboard box to store my uncommons/commons and my deck ( I'm still waiting for the day I win a deckbox =P )

whats a deck box? how do you win them
1)i keep all my expensive cards in one of those southern island collection binders . i have all my rare hollos and my exs in the front, then the reverse holos after the rare holos, and the regular none holo rares towards the end. my commons and uncommon cards i keep in velvet bags, plastice ziplock bags, and in tins . i usually then put those bags and tins in cardboard boxes and store them under my bed.

2)you really cant tell how many sets there are going to be just yet . even though they did guarantee every single pokemon being printed by the fifth set, they do reprint pokemon and try to make as many diffrent versions of cards as possible to squeeze that extra cent out of you.
1. Eh, I'm a little un-organized at the moment myself! ^ ^; Right now all my 'special' cards and promos are being stored in top loaders inside one of those long boxes. I have random and for the most part illegal cards stored in a huge binder, I have empty booster boxes filled with random cards, several tins full of cards, and the rest have been thrown into all the Deoxys and Rayquaza boxes I snagged from Worlds last year... ^ ^;

2. Time will tell. We know there will be at least 5.