A banner I made a few minutes ago.


^ Is win.
A banner.

Render credit goes to MotS.

Frosty border, nice! Except the other border is weird..and it makes Garchomp look weird.
Ya if you strip off the black that will improve this banner from a 5/10 to an 8/10.
Oh and place the Frosty Border in front of everything, it looks ugly having the text/garchomp see-able through the border bleh >.<
Really don't take them out. It adds for the frost over effect he is aiming for flygon.
Flygon999 said:
^ but you posted this today and Omnigross said that yesterday.

Master of the Shadow said:
Is the the render I did for you?

I posted it Yesterday 06:32 AM and he replied today to me saying yesterday and the thread was up since the 1st

BTW if you don't believe me go to my shop and look at his request. I caught him using my Magmotar render without giving me credit. *BTW I'm not trying to be a jerk but people "COMPLAIN" about something as little as using a deviantart picture without permission so I'm going around returning the favor."
devianart picture is different. They took ALOT of time drawing. But if your rules did said that all renders must be give credit back to you then it would be Omnigross's fault.

About your banner,Omnigross, I would say use some lighter blue, maybe like the forum's blue
Ryuu7 said:
devianart picture is different. They took ALOT of time drawing. But if your rules did said that all renders must be give credit back to you then it would be Omnigross's fault.

About your banner,Omnigross, I would say use some lighter blue, maybe like the forum's blue

Master of the Shadow said:
Omnigross_98 said:
Type:Card Render.
Image(s): http://www.pokebeach.com/tcg/majestic-dawn/scans - Garchomp LV.X
http://www.pokebeach.com/tcg/mysterious-treasures/scans - Magmortar LV.X
- Electrivire LV.X
- Magmortar
http://www.pokebeach.com/tcg/legends-awakened/scans - Deoxys Normal Forme
- Azelf LV.X
- Mespirit LV.X
- Uxie LV.X

Sorry for the bulk order, YOU CAN TAKE YOUR TIME.

I couldnt get this done anywhere else.









Sorry that I had to chop off the bottom of the pokemon in some of them. The pokebeach watermark was in the way. Please give me credit for the renders if you are going to use them in any way.

As of January 4 I won't be making banners, avatars, or anything else on a daily basis. I will be making orders maybe once a week. Sorry. Unless I get some workers that can help me