(2) 'CoroCoro' and 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveal New Pokemon's Silhouette! [2/6]

RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

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RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

I know it is a Fighting type. I can just look at the hair part and just know. Unless Pokemon wants to rig the types again.

While a Lucario evolution is definitely possible, something tells me that it isn't a Lucario evolution. Nothing much, really. Just think it is a brand new Pokemon all together.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

Gliscor said:
I know it is a Fighting type. I can just look at the hair part and just know. Unless Pokemon wants to rig the types again.

While a Lucario evolution is definitely possible, something tells me that it isn't a Lucario evolution. Nothing much, really. Just think it is a brand new Pokemon all together.
I agree as well. It seems like a whole new Pokemon (I can be wrong), we just have to wait and find out until the real picture with colors come out. Then we might get a better understanding of what the Pokemon might look like and what type it might be.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

How can we be completely sure what type it is?

For all we know, they could have a completely new type in the 5th Gen. Games
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

I hope it is a new Pokemon, some Pokemon just shouldn't evolve again, like Lucario. Especially after all that they did for Lucario, I am tired of that line. Lets hope it is a new line altogether.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

A Lucario evolution would be so broken in battle haha

It's most likely a completely new Pokemon, I don't see a Lucario or Mightyena evolution being a "ruler of illusion". I'm guessing its primary type will be psychic (boo), although we have seen before that non-Psychic types can have extrasensory abilities (like Lucario and the Aura, in fact...).

Kind of hope it is a Mightyena evo though, that will be one less useless Pokemon cloggin' up our tiers.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

I hope it isn't a new evoltion of a pokemon and especially not Lucario. ITtwould become TOO good in the VG, increasing its base speed and base offensive stats would make it too much of a beast.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

I really don't want it to be psychic since we already have:

RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

intiman said:
it kinda looks like a evolution of sableye to me

Sableye? How?

@bacon: A Psychic type is understandable. I mean, it does need some way to create the illusions. My guess if a Fighting/Psychic Pokemon.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

They could make it slower but bulkier, or faster but with attack and sp. attack xD

Anyways, it doesn't look like a Lucario evolution to me. At first the face gave me the idea of a Ninetails evolution, but when you think about it, it's impossible.

I think it's a completely new Pokemon, not related to anything, maybe legendary, and probably Psychic or Dark...or both ^^
Come on, who wouldn't love a Pokemon just weak to Bug, even if it's x4?
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

This looks like something I would collect if it looks anything like Lucario. 0w0​
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

It doesn't really seem like a evolution of Sableye to me. The body structure is kinda different from Sableye, so I doubt it can be a evolution of Sableye
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

I always find it fun to see what fans create from silhouettes when new Pokemon are revealed. I remember the cool and funny concepts people came up with when Lucario was first shown, along with the Rotom formes. That said, this new Pokemon will probably look a lot different than what fan art so far has guessed.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

I Reckon that it knows Transform. xD Seriously, how else was it suppossed to become Z?
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

No, no, you are all wrong... it is Werehog-Sonic and Lucario's lovechild!:

RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

for all we know it could be a cyclops - like lucario thing:


I hope not though :p
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

I'm thinking that the name will end up being a corruption of Naruhodou. I wonder if any of you can figure out why.
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]


I think this is how Pokemon Z looks like, kinda...

I'm not sure of the colours... I might draw it since I just traced the silhouette... :p
RE: (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Soon! [2/6]

Evil Sonic said:

I think this is how Pokemon Z looks like, kinda...

I'm not sure of the colours... I might draw it since I just traced the silhouette... :p

...da*n, it looks beter than mine (lol i was trying to make it look bad anyway)

it would be cool if it looked like that :)