#10: What is art?

Art is more limited than they tell you in school. Art is a sketch, painting, sculpture, statue, image, etc. Nature is NOT art. When someone percieves something as beautiful, it doesn't just instantly become art. Art is limited to some sort of image or recreation. Being a product of creative expression does not make something art. All art is a recreation of something else. Anything that was NOT intended to portray, copy, or illustrate something else (nature, abstract design, human inventions that serve a functional purpose, like cups and ovens) cannot be art no matter how beautiful.

There's my rant :p
I think that anything created by someone else is art (whether a picture, song, dance routine etc) but it is down to opinion whether we define it as good or bad. Althoguh modern art is a form of art, as is Mondrean (sp?) that zyfalir was refering to, it is down to opinion whether we think it is any good. Personally, I think its easy to do that, and I have drawn much better pictures that arent just coloured squares on a peice of paper. I monkey could do modern art, as I proved in my last post.

If you look at the banner in my sig, that is art. Whether you like it or not is opinion, but not liking something doesnt disqualify it as art.
Art is a matter of opinion. Each and every one of us as individuals share a different perspective of art, and therefore, this question cannot be answered.

IMO :p
Art is anything we or someone else makes, it could be a wombat burrow to a gold sculpture of Jesus christ. It can be religious or political or even nothing in particular. I guess that makes all of us art.