(1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage - White Version PokéDex Entries [9/19]

Some of these Pokémon have some weird entries. I think the candle Pokémon and its evolutions have just become some the freakiest Pokémon ever, right up there with Hypno and Drifloon with their children stealing entries. I wonder if Darumakka's entry is going to be changed when it's translated in the American version. And I think I may actually like Mijumaru's final evolution after reading its Pokédex entry.
^They visit you at your deathbed, sever your soul from your body, and eat it, leaving only a corpse behind. That's pretty sinister for Pokemon.
Ah i'm so scared if they were real i would just but water on it and put it's flame out it doesn't scare me but it is a nice description i'll give you that.
Nobody is actually saying that you should be cowering in fear at the idea of a ghostly chandelier. This is Pokemon....
Bah, the pokedex descriptions for pokemon have always had ludicrous exaggerations for comedic effect. They'd probably say Reshiram's fire can also cure cancer or something like that.
@ teeboy: Manabeou (sp) was already confirmed to be a stand-alone Pokemon. No previous Pokemon got evolutions in this Generation.
I love the fact that Dethmas and Dethkan's entry basically confirm the fact that he's the PHARAOH! Omf, I <3 Pharaohs and ancient egypt period.
Kumashun 613: Mucus is always hanging from its nose. It sucks the mucus back up and launches an attack. The mucus is the source of the attack.


KUMASHUN used Hack-A-Loogie!

It's super effective!

The opponent is now confused!