(1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/30]

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I'm going to laugh when it turns out everyone is completely wrong, just like speculation for Mijumaru xD
Redneck said:
I'm going to laugh when it turns out everyone is completely wrong, just like speculation for Mijumaru xD

Thanks for the faith dude! :p

Hey Dragonatus!! Why did you delete your post eh?? If you have something to say about my theory SAY IT! I CAN HANDLE IT!!
I think that what is going to happen is that they are going to stick with the whole sky theme...after all...if nintendo was smart enough to make all the money they made then i think they're smart enough to know that if they do heaven and heck thing then they will get bad publicity by religious groups and they would have the games be rated T or something when pokemon is specifically targeted for mostly younger kids(about 7-13 or 14 maybe) and not teens. Also with the evidence of a sky theme with hiun city and and the whole "growing light in the sky" and "growing dark in the sky" terms. I think that the team of bad people(such as team galactic. I don't know what to refer to them as) will try to capture the power of reshiram and zekrom and try to be able to control the time of day over the world or something or it could cause them to control the weather. I also think that nintendo may release a light type to oppose dark. I think that a light type would be cool. However with zekrom being a possible electric/dragon type and electricity kind of refers to light AND zekrom is the mascot of pokemon WHITE then zekrom could be the one to represent light and reshiram could be a dragon/dark type. With zekrom being the light one and being black while reshiram is the dark/dragon one while being white could be and interesting move nintendo could make for the 5th generation. Just my opinion.

I think that this is very possible. I also in another post said that they might release a light type but i didn't think about how they would probably release 2 types which i think would lower the chances of releasing a light type but perhaps possibly maybe a night and day type maybe...but i don't know. The other thing i wanted to say is that because gray scarlet and crimson are all copyrighted then you said there was a they could have twilight, dawn, or dusk. To me when you think of dawn you think of morning or day and with dusk you think of the night so to me those two names favor one side or the other. So to me what they should do is come up with another color to have for the 3rd game or go with twilight.
Absolutely not Twilight. No one wants to associate Pokemon with stupid vampires. I think if the legendaries were about the time of day they easily could have named the games Pokemon Dawn and Dusk, therefore I find it unlikely that the games are associated with time of day.

I stick wholeheartedly to the weather idea, where Zekrom creates storms and Reshiram clears the sky.

x598 deserves a round of applause for actually reading up and knowing what he is talking about! :D
I don't think nintendo will do ANOTHER weather generation... after they came out with ruby saphire and emerald, which included hail, castform, groudon, kyogre and rayquayza...
night_zekrom said:
I don't think nintendo will do ANOTHER weather generation... after they came out with ruby saphire and emerald, which included hail, castform, groudon, kyogre and rayquayza...

Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza weren't actually weather related. Groudon represented the land, Kyogre the sea, and Rayquaza the sky. Groudon and Kyogre had weather-related abilities to power up their moves. We truly haven't seen any legendaries that control the weather, and I have a strong feeling Reshiram and Zekrom will.
RE: (1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/

swimfastray said:
Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza weren't actually weather related.

I beg your pardon? Did you forget the whole ordeal with torrential rains and unending drought?

And Rayquaza's ability to suppress any and all weather conditions?

Yes, they were the respective domains of land/sea/sky, but regardless, like previously mentioned, there was a lot of emphasis on weather, with the introduction of the weather institute, the attack Weather Ball, Castform, amongst other things.

Again, speculation is fun, but we need to wait it out until things are officially unveiled instead of creating our own ideas and attacking others' thoughts on what the generation "should" or will be.
thanks! Now that you mention it twilight does seem more like vampires. For pokemon that just does't seem like pokemon. I still think that dawn and dusk kind of favor one or the other but still they could work. Mostly for the third game though i think they will try to come up with another color. If they don't I think they would choose dusk over dawn.

swimfastray said:
I've been doing some research on dragons and I found out that dragons in Oriental myth all have powers over water and weather, being able to cause massive waves or turn into water spouts and tornadoes. Also, there are four Dragon Kings in Chinese mythology that inhabit and protect the four seas that surround China in the four cardinal directions. With this, I have concieved that there may be FOUR legendary dragon pokemon!!! One that represents each cardinal direction (North, South, East, West). Theres no telling, but maybe the enhanced re-release for the fifth generation may include two games instead of just one! Wouldn't that be something?

That said, I think I have a good guess as to the types of at least Zekrom and Reshiram. Shokotan says Zekrom is Electric, so we'll go with that for now. Now Reshiram, I believe, appears to embody fluffy cirrus clouds, and it also has blue eyes. Therefore, Reshiram could be attributed to a clear sunny day, making it Normal type or Fire type, or Reshiram could be attributed to snowfall and blizzards and be Ice type! The other two dragons could be Water type, symbolizing rain, and one of the types Reshiram is not.

Then you have:
West Zekrom (Drg/Ele) = Thunderstorms
East Reshiram (Drg/Nrm) = Clear Skies
North ___rom/ram (Drg/Ice) = Snow, Blizzards
South ___rom/ram (Drg/Wtr) = Rain, Rainstorms

Whattaya say??

i think that would be cool if that happened but i don't see nintendo having 4 games for the 5th generation instead of 3.

Redneck said:
I beg your pardon? Did you forget the whole ordeal with torrential rains and unending drought?

And Rayquaza's ability to suppress any and all weather conditions?

Yes, they were the respective domains of land/sea/sky, but regardless, like previously mentioned, there was a lot of emphasis on weather, with the introduction of the weather institute, the attack Weather Ball, Castform, amongst other things.

Again, speculation is fun, but we need to wait it out until things are officially unveiled instead of creating our own ideas and attacking others' thoughts on what the generation "should" or will be.

That may be true but i still think that nintendo is going to have the 5th generation be released with a weather theme.

And as far as I remember Kyogre and Groudon didn't actually control the weather. They had the weather around them change to their type(rain for water and a drought for fire) but they didn't actually control it.
Sounds like some people need to go back and play R/S/E. Groudon and Kyogre are considered the weather pokemon and Team Magma/Aqua wanted to either turn the world into a desert or flood the world. So they wanted to catch either Groudon or Kyogre because they controlled heat and rain, both are weather conditions. What explains it best are their pokedex entries from the opposite games:

Groudon from Sapphire: Groudon has the power to scatter rain clouds and make water evaporate with light and heat. It came as a savior to people who had been suffering from terrible floods.

Kyogre from Ruby: Kyogre has the power to create massive rain clouds that cover the entire sky and bring about torrential downpours. This Pokémon saved people who were suffering from droughts.

So in conclusion, Groudon is the ruler of land and the ruler of the ocean, but they both can control those two weather conditions.

Back on topic: Well today is the ninth, so it's time to stay up all night to wait for corocoro scans.
RE: (1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/

Setosama said:
I'm gonna go on a limb here as well and predict that Reshiram is going to represent Heaven while Zekrom represents heck.

Reshiram has a variety of Angelic Qualities about it, much like how Zekrom seems somewhat demonic. I mean, they've done Land, Sea, and Sky... They've done Time, Space, and Different Dimensions... Heaven and heck are the only way to go in my opinion. Third member (if there is INDEED another Dragon Trio) would probably present "Purgatory". :D (Mascot for Grey Version! lol)

Light Type would be AWESOME!!! Not quiet sure how it would WORK though... Super Effective against Dark and Ghost? Maybe immune to Dark and resistant to Fire and Electric (because they PROVIDE light)... Possibly also not very effective against Grass (by reason of absorbs light for photosynthesis)... Neutral to everything else... Could be VERY interesting.

I think that you may be spot on with this and that would mean that each of them would have a signature move that would represent their world. Think about it: Reshiram use "heavenly light" or Zekrom used "Demons cry" it could be quite biblical and interesting.
Okay...in my previous posts I said that nintendo is probably going to have the theme be weather. Some people are with weather theory and others are sticking with a more mature heaven against heck theory. After thinking about it AND going over the evidence that the owner of pokebeach has posted on how their is the whole hiun meaning clouds blown by the wind and the whole meanings of reshiram and zekrom's neames I have figured that their isn't going to be a heaven vs. heck theme nor a weather theme. What i believe is that it is going to end up being day vs. night. That is just what i think. respond to me if you think i am right!

El Pokémaster said:
But shouldn't we remember that Zekrom is mascot for White, and vice versa? Maybe it's made that way to confuse us and Reshiram is the "evil" one.
thats exactly what i thought!

aaroncsmall2 said:
According to Serebii the host of Pokemon Sunday said she loves electric types and with that would love to voice Zekrom. This post was then removed from her blog minutes afterward.
(several paraghraphs later)
If you are thinking that their colors do not match their potential typing, Reshiram has red highlights and Zekrom has blue highlights. I also noticed Zekrom has red and yellow eyes (fire) while Reshiram has blue eyes (electricity), to balance out the colors for the whole yin-yang thing they've got going on.

(This info is a mix of posts from Sweet Smoochum, myself and musesum626 on Pokecommunity)
This could be possible but if the red eyes represents fire and the blue represent electricity AND zekrom is supposed to be the electric type then it doesn't add up. If zekrom i the possible dragon/electric type and has the red eyes then which is he...fire or electric. Do you see what i mean
RE: (1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/

I agree, They should stick with the sky theme. If they do the heaven and underworld thing people would probably not buy it or heaven would be favored over the other one. And other people probably wouldn't like the underworld thing anyway. Thats just what i have to say about it anyway. :p

And x598, i do agree that the day vs. night will do fine because there will be no problems against it. No religious problems, no maturity problems. just day and night. Good thinking!
Well, we already know there is a pokemon underworld (remember that episode with the girl in DPP when she tried to lure Ash to the underworld and Dusknoir saved them) So It would make sense for a heaven to exist.
The Flaming Ho-oh said:
Well, we already know there is a pokemon underworld (remember that episode with the girl in DPP when she tried to lure Ash to the underworld and Dusknoir saved them) So It would make sense for a heaven to exist.
An underworld does not also require a 'heaven' to exist.

Example: Hades.
swimfastray said:
Absolutely not Twilight. No one wants to associate Pokemon with stupid vampires. I think if the legendaries were about the time of day they easily could have named the games Pokemon Dawn and Dusk, therefore I find it unlikely that the games are associated with time of day.

I stick wholeheartedly to the weather idea, where Zekrom creates storms and Reshiram clears the sky.

x598 deserves a round of applause for actually reading up and knowing what he is talking about! :D

Yeah! Kudos to you and x598!!! I really think they should pick up on the weather idea because they invented the Defog HM for DPPT but failed to implement it in the main storyline. The most use it gets is in Turnback cave on DP when you have to use it.......At least in GS, Lugia's 'Dex entry mentions Whirpools which you indeed have to clear near the Whirl Islands!
aaroncsmall2 said:
According to Serebii the host of Pokemon Sunday said she loves electric types and with that would love to voice Zekrom.
I had a feeling that she didn't actually say it. To me this is simply taking words out of context and making your own conclusion. She doesn't actually say Zekrom is electric type. Also I think it could of been mistranslated. People said it was taken down minutes after it was put up, so the people who saw it, only saw it for a couple of seconds. Maybe they saw the words "electric" and "Zekrom" and thought Zekrom is an electric type. There is just too many "ifs" to saying that this is true, but we'll find out soon enough.
RE: (1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/

fallynleaf said:
An underworld does not also require a 'heaven' to exist.

Example: Hades.

Yes, but in a part of hades there is a place for the heroes and do-gooders where they lead happy (dead) lives partying and having a good time.
RE: (1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/

The Flaming Ho-oh said:
...in a part of hades there is a place for the heroes and do-gooders where they lead happy (dead) lives partying and having a good time.

Olympus! Just wanted to throw that in there. . .

HAHAHA Redneck you make a great argument! It's definitely true that there was a lot concerning weather within Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. I don't think it was really the central idea behind the three legendaries though. The weather abilities were brought into the games because they tie into the main land vs. sea aspect and reinforce Groudon and Kyogre's types, especially by minimizing Groudon's weakness to water and strengthening his movepool. Rayquaza has the Air Lock ability because he's supposed to bring peace between Groudon and Kyogre.
RE: (1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/

The Flaming Ho-oh said:
Yes, but in a part of hades there is a place for the heroes and do-gooders where they lead happy (dead) lives partying and having a good time.
But, unlike Heaven/H*ll, there is no warring between the different parts. They are all simply destinations for the dead. That's it.

swimfastray said:
Olympus! Just wanted to throw that in there. . .
Olympus is the abode of the gods, not an afterlife. The dead do not go to Olympus, and Olympus does not war against Hades.
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