(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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Aaaaahhhh. Almost 60 pps...!

And lol @ people who say they're real, despite all of the things Suave Squirtle (and not JUST him) have pointed out to disprove such. I mean, just because a few sites give them credence, they're real? Really? Well, at least Pokebeach stated he didn't think they were real during the initial 'leak'. PJN Admins thought it was fishy, too. aeynimyks

Anyway, if something about the situation has to be called into question this much, it's probably not a valid situation to begin with... IMO.

And even they STILL end up real, I like them--particularly Mijumaru's final form. :p

But does anyone feel like they've seen the water starter's final stage somewhere before? I just can't shake the feeling...
I think I'm starting to warm up to the Pokabu evolution, but I still can't get over the Mijumaru one. If only one of them turns out to be fake, I really hope it's that one. I want so badly for Mijumaru to be a dual Water/Fighting type, but I don't see how a Fighting type could be a quadruped. How would it be able to punch? How would it be able to wield its shell like a sword to use Shell Blade? Unless it's able to stand on its hind legs while fighting, but it's shell doesn't even look like it could be used as a sword anymore... If that truly is the final form of Mijumaru, I will be one sad panda.
@omgxshante YES Mijumaru fans unite!! i love this Pokémon since i 1st saw it XD
come on Mijumaru!!! i've still gots my fingers crossed that its still a water/fighting type!!!! plz just plz let that become reality ;_;
@CRASHiC: What is that supposed to be? lmao

@Mijumaru lovers: Yaaaay I love Mijumaru, I've loved it ever since I first laid eyes on it, despite everyone hating on it.
Lol, inb4everyonethinkstheweirdoquagsireevolutionthingisreal

Lmao, if that thing turns out to be real... I will die laughing. xD

EDIT: LOL! That's just a meme? Hah, and even THAT looked more real than the starter evolutions. That gave me a good laugh, CRASHiC. X3
wow if that thing is real it needs to be shot. seriously what kind of attack is puke blood?! what is it supposed to do?!
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