(1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

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Yeah I get what you are saying. There are some Pokemon that just need to look like animals. On the other hand some Pokemon need to look a little more out there as there a lot of species of animals, some of when I first saw them I was like wtf?! Hence gen 1. Gen 2 was a little more out there, then there was gen3 which got really out there. Gen 4 felt like a mix of Hoenn and gen 1 &2. This gen though felt completely knew. It's gives me that wtf?! feeling. Even the starter evolutions look different than normal. That's one of the reasons why I like them. Also when I talking about Blaziken I was mostly reference that fact that you could actually do something with it, I was so pissed when all Torchic could learn on it's own was ember unless you didn't evolve it.
These will take a little getting used to...I hated Miju's final evo when I first saw it on this other site as possible fakes but now i kinda like it. I thought the colour scheme didn't make since but now I get it.

Do you notice the large dark blue part in the middle stage of Mijumaru...Well maybe that part grew and covered up everything else?

I small part of me is hoping that these are fake and the same amount of me hopes that pikachu never existed...>.>
What? They have improved Pokabu sorry Pokabu fans and i'm glad it's not a warthog but yay it's the firth Bipedal fire starter.
Am I the only one that thinks Pokabu's Final evo is awesome, okay the first stage isnt that great but the final is, I love Tsuutaja and Mijumaru's evos as much as Pokabus final evo
NOO!!! They have ruined pokabu. Heres to hoping they aren't real.

In what way have they ruined Pokabu?? Nobody have ever confirmed it to have another look that this?? :b
For the person that questioned me, you know WHY I hate these starter evolutions so much?
Even the 4th generation had more originality when it came to the starters' final evolutions.
I'll even use my most hated 4th generation Pokemon starter as an example:


See? You can actually still tell that Torterra evolves from Turtwig (and I don't mean directly).
It still follows the plantation on its body, and keeps the similar coloration.

And now for the worst of the 5th generation starter evos:


As you can see, Mijumaru's coloration was changed DRAMATICALLY, but the second evolution still keeps its appearance as an otter, and is still bipedal. And then it somehow turns into a walrus/otter? I mean really, just think about it. I can understand some other Pokemon having completely different evolutions (like Remoraid to Octillery, and Trapinch to Vibrava to Flygon) but this just doesn't work for starter Pokemon. Seriously, even that fake snowman evolution for Mijumaru was WAY better than this.
Pokabu I think is the only Pokemon that actually keeps its similar appearance throughout its evolution (even though it's still horrible). And like someone else stated, the design on its body is too similar to that of Infernape's, meaning we could have yet ANOTHER Fire/Fighting-type starter. I don't think GF would do that AGAIN with the fire starter, so that could be a hinting to these being fake, regarding the more obvious reasons. >.> (OH, LAWD! PLEASE BE FAKE!!)
Ok I'm reposting my theory for those who may not have seen it.

Ok for those who can't see the similarities between these possible evolutions here's my view:

Tsutaaja is pretty easy. First it's a snake with legs and arms, a neck collar, and a leaf on it's tail. It evolves and it's arms becomes smaller and it's legs become more fragile. It gets a little sleeker and it's collar grow out. Then in the final form it loses it's legs and arms and becomes slim and sleek (similar to what happened to actually snakes) with a leafy tail. The collar around it's neck grows out which makes it look like some type of king snake or something.

Mijumaru was a little tricky at first but I kind of see it now. Notice how Mijumaru has dark blue ears, a white face, little dots on its face, and a light blue body with a shell on it's belly. Also notice how it's feet are flat. Then it evolves and it's body becomes blue, grows whiskers from the dots, it's lower body becomes dark blue with two shell on it's side, and it's feet get longer and flat, and so does it's tail. Also notice that little spike on top of it's head. Basically we see it's becoming more and more aquatic. With those type of feet walking on twos becomes harder and harder. Then we see it's final evolution which finally becomes quadrupedal, giant otter. (An actual species of otter.) It has fully grown whiskers, has a dark blue body, the shell on it's sides has covered most of it's body, including it's tail and the thing on it's head grew out to what seems to be a conch shell. So basically Miju's final forms is just a quadrupedal otter.

Pokabu's is the easiest. As a Pokabu it's seems to have a black bandanna on it's head, while wearing a black diaper. Also that yellow mark on it's nose resembles a flame on a lighter. Then Pokabu evolves and becomes bipedal with black tights on similar to a wrestler. The final evo looks as its it's wear a championship belt and has flame coming out of it's nose. Also notice how Pokabu's tail looks like the lit end of a bomb, then when it evolves tail tail look like the bomb has been lit and it's almost ready to explode, and then the final evolution has it's tail looking like the bomb just when off, maybe that's which there's fire coming out of his nose. Not too sure on that last part.

Anyways that's what I think. Hope this helps some people.

Read it and tell me your thoughts. Thanks.
You know what... I just hope this is just some time of conspiracy or whatever the word is.
There were some very convincing fake starter evolutions back in the 4th generation that turned out to be fake.
I'll just hope the same will happen here. ...Even though these evolutions are the least bit convincing. T_T
The fire line is pretty cool, and for the first time ever in a starter series I prefer the 1st evolution over the 2nd (Which loses a lot of its piggish-ness with the taller stance, "beard" of fire, and slimmer arms).

Water and Grass are terrible. Before any fan boy tries to shove "UR JUSTA 5TH GEN HATER!!!" garbage down my throat, let it be known that I dislike these guys for completely legitimate reasons-- The colour schemes are bland, the designs are cluttered and unnecessarily flamboyant, and they look too different to their earlier stages.
I still think these starter Pokemon have a logical progression, like what Chimchar's post shows.

Also, why was my post deleted? It was unfinished but I was trying to fix it up(it wasn't supposed to have been submitted at all, but my cat dragged the keyboard to the floor >> ).

MJ edit: Your deleted post was spam, and links that have NO relevant to this thread. Consider yourself warned. Also next time, keep your cat out of your office
It would make sense that dento is a grass fire water gym leader as the gym badge also has the colors red green and blue on it. So I think this idea of three different monkeys is legit

You can see an exact resemblence on the middle forms, but look at the first forms they in no way look exactly like the official art. study it a while.
Hmm... When I first saw these a few days ago, I thought they looked horrible, but I'm starting to like them now. The only one I still don't like is the grass starter's final evolution. It looks odd. ^^'
I dont understand why some of you are all upset about Pokabu's final evolution, i really like it. Just need to grow to him, About Smugleaf's final well he looks cool like some acient queen-ish snake ruler, Mijumaru's final..well it looks kinda cool with that shell horn on his head..i like how they all look and im not upset about the way they look...to me they all are awesome ^^.
@legendhunter: Are you saying that this means the evolutions are fake? Take a look at Kibago and Umbreon. They both match their Sugimori art(I think Umbreon's is from the older G/S art, but I'm pretty sure it still matches it).

I still think these evolutions are real for now.
I'm really pissed, about the 3 yanappu's! I loved yanappu as it is....I really don't want a water, and fire one, even if they're different! haha..whatever.

Also, TSUTAAJA EVO LINE FTW!!!! I love it, I want it, I'll get it.
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