(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

Did some quick and simple fanart for the Grass Starter. 8D


He's so cool, I can't wait to see the evolutions.
He's a bit like Treecko in some ways, sure, but his eyes are friendlier and in
general I just see him evolving into something less wonky (pardon my opinion)
than Skeptile.
Well, my opinion:

Turwig < Bulbasaur = Grass Type < Treecko < Chikorita
Torchic < Chimchar < Cyndaquil = Fire Type < Charmander
Mudkip < Piplup < Water Type < Squirtle = Totodile
Well i must say after sitting here for an hour looking at the starters i am in love with them. Their growing on me more and more by the second. I still dont care to much for pokabu, hes not my least favorite out of all the fire starters, but he is second least. Tsutaja is awesome, i love the snake/gecko dynamic of him. And he might be my favorite grass starter although it is hard to say. Mijumaru is adorable, and honestly looking back at all the fan art, he is far better then what anybody else thought up, and that goes for all of them.

Now i just want then to have good final evolutions and good (english version) names. I dont doubt that thell have good names, i have failed to dislike any starter names before. And the Final evolutions have a lot of potentiol. My dream typing of them would be Grass/dragon for final Tsutaja form. Fire/dark for final Pokabu form. And Water/ice for final Mijumaru form. and i dont think those are completely out of the question, infact Mijumaru looks like he could start out as Water and ice
one of my friends is claiming they are fake. lol
but he says that they're 'too close to what people thought they'd be'.
silly reason to think they're fake, but in all honesty, these are very very very super-likely to be them right? i mean, you can't fake the trainers very well. =/
I wouldn't say they couldn't be, but it's unlikely. The names are much more likely to be fake than the pictures.
The protagonists faces make me thought of a certain fake art that was posted in serebii forum, but this time it is real because the pose are different from the Johto's pose.
As for the starters, I'm not sure about the water type yet. But fire's good by me and grass is favorite by far, it's amazing.

The character designs are really great as well, it's interesting that the protagonists are older. I'm curious as to the reasoning behind the move, but I have no problem with it at all. I think it's a nice change of pace.
by the look of the water starter, I guess he'll evolve into a water/ice pokémon, I mean, look at him! he is part snowman for sure!
manpanda said:
Sea otters are RAD! I hope he keeps his shell in all his stages and bashes dudes with it.

I was thinking about the shell too!
It'd be cool if the shell grew with him, so that by stage three he'd have this frosty (assuming he IS Water/Ice) conch shell armor.
HikaruAyame said:
The female character, however, I now hate. >.< What a hairstyle! And does anyone think that since they've been said to be older, she should have had a bit more... *cough* talent? I mean the tradition of basically flatness made sense when they were 10-12, but if they're older I would have liked the body shape to reflect that a bit more.

This made me giggle a bit (in a good way!) since I'm 18/female and get mistaken for a 13-year-old boy, so I didn't even think of the flatness of the female trainer. xDD It is a good point though, but it's nice to see a show/game out of Japan that isn't just BOOBS EVERYWHERE. I mean, it's a kids show, I dun think they'd ever do that anyway.
Why do a lot of people don't like the water one. He isn't the greatest but isn't bad either. Still i'm taking the grass one probably.
The grass starter is by far the coolest, although it may resemble Treecko a bit,
The fire starter... they're really messing up with fire types... a fire pig???
The water starter... is really odd. Its body shape is similar to Piplup...

I really like the girl caracter...
BlazeGryph said:
This made me giggle a bit (in a good way!) since I'm 18/female and get mistaken for a 13-year-old boy, so I didn't even think of the flatness of the female trainer. xDD It is a good point though, but it's nice to see a show/game out of Japan that isn't just BOOBS EVERYWHERE. I mean, it's a kids show, I dun think they'd ever do that anyway.
Glad to make someone laugh. (I'm female, too, btw) Well, I'm not saying turn it into Gainax or Slayers. XD I just meant a little variation in body shape would be nice. I mean, you could take the body figure of ANY of the female protagonists and just transplant a different head on it. In reality people are all different shapes, so it'd be cool to have a female who didn't follow the typical "Stick figure with teensy weensy curves you can barely see' model.

Heck, I'd've liked to have seen a character with a bit more wieght. To me it's just 'Keep the body, change the clothes and hairstyle and call it someone different.' Stale after a while.
Older protagonist, does it means that this time they'll finally make Ash catch up to his real age instead of always 10. Far, far away region, wonder if the there are other country because Looker is an international police is true.
I love the water one, I love them all! I really am torn of which one I want... I hope the official sugamori art for them has the water one smiling tho :/ Hope they update the site on Sunday or Saturday. Remember, CoroCoro is like a months worth of Pokemon Sunday really, so more info will be coming!
Is it just me or does the grass starter look like Yoshi from the Super Mario series? In any case, I hope these are official. Usually I don't show a lot of interest until months the real stuff's been announced, but I'm really getting excited now. I actually like the pig thing. The water starter has me confused. I wanted to say it's a sea otter, but...
I like the starter designs. The water starter looks a bit... odd but it will grow on me. The Fire Pig looks quite cool I say, final evolution maybe a fire/ground? The grass starter is my favourite, the best designed and looks the strongest. Much butter than Gen 4 starters!
I agree, I think these starters are much better than the 4th Generation.
They're different, sure, but they've grown on me fairly quickly.
Can't wait to get news on their evolutions.

Honestly I don't see why most of you guys don't like the fire pig. Having a rabbit Pokemon would be cool, but as a starter? I myself find it easier to imagine a superboar than a tripped out Stage 3 bunny.

Which continues into my last point: Another quick fanart, this time of the Fire Boar:


Yeah, I'm kind of shirking a bit when it comes to original poses, but I want to get drawing them down before I do anything supah fancy.