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  1. G

    Online image hosting

    Ok so I usually use imageshack to do my online image hosting but it won't load and I want to put my pic from my computer to my Sig here on PB. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  2. G

    Ruling Garchomp lv x restore

    I was wondering if you can restore an EX pokemon with Garchomp lv x.'s restore attack. It says not Lv. X and I have always been told lv. x and EX are different (correct me if I'm wrong) so garchomp lv x should be able to restore say, a lugia ex with 3 energies. Thanks!
  3. G

    Ruling jirachi dp5

    jirachi dp5 says: Jirachi LV.42 – Steel – HP70 Basic Pokemon [.] One Wish: Choose 1 card from your deck and shuffle the rest of your deck. Then, place the chosen card on top of your deck. [M][M] Doom Desire: Discard all Energy attached to Jirachi. At the end of your opponent's next...
  4. G

    previous sets ban

    is it true that after this year's worlds they are banning all sets other then d/p?
  5. G

    Ruling holy star

    shining ray's attack, holy star, says this: discard all energy attached to ray star this attack does 100 damage to each of your opponent's pokemon ex. dont apply weakess and resistance for benched pokemon if you use this attack, does it affect lv X too?
  6. G

    mvp pokemon cards

    what do you think are the top 10-15 most valuable cards available on all sets?
  7. G

    Ruling lucario lv X

    does lucario lv X poke-power stance last until you retreat it or just for your opponents next turn?
  8. G

    pokemon lv X

    lucario lv X vs. empolon lv X vs. electivire lv X (used just for everyday battling in noob deck) which is better/ has better uses?
  9. G

    Ruling poebody weakess

    when using electivire lv X's ability, do u apply weakness and resistance?[hr]oops.. supposed to be *pokebody on thread topic sorry :/
  10. G

    empoleon lv X?

    i have an empoleon deck.. wondering if its worth putting 1 or 2 empoleon lv X in.. lemmie know! thanks