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  1. Q

    The (Somewhat) Official Homestuck Disscusion Thread!

    Do any of you guys read Homestuck, or is it just me? xDDD ...Anyway, this thread is to discuss about the official Webcomic, favorite / least favorite characters, parts of the webcomic that you liked, the fandom; such as cosplay, fanart, the crazy fans, etc. If you don't know what...
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    Internet Screamers

    Has anyone here ever been scared by an internet screamer? What was your reaction? I know I have been scared silly by these things.... I hate them so much, but it's fun when you scare others with them!
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    VGC Help?

    I'm going to Newark for the VGC this year, but I kinda need some help... I'm trying to make a team for the VGC this year, but I don't have any good pokemon.. Which pokemon should I use? Any advice? :(
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    Okami Disscusion Thread

    Does anyone here like the Okami series? If so, tell me about your favorite moments, characters, etc. I honestly think Okami is an amazing game with beautiful game art design and storyline and so many things that are so awesome, it's hard to descibe. I highly recomend it! I never played Okamiden...
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    Wi-Fi Trades Crystaltheumbreon's trading thread!

    Welcome to Crystaltheumbreon's trading thread! MY INFORMATION: My Friend Codes: Black: 0604 5604 1393 Platinum: 3609 6907 4530 Diamond: 1976 7324 7571 AIM: N/A MSN: N/A Yahoo: [email protected] Contact Time: Anytime I'm on...
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    Crystal's Art

    Hey guys, it's crystaltheumbreon here to show you guys some of my artwork and maybe I get some advice and tips from you guys. Shiny Mew Chibi Typhlosion Vaporeon Snivy Evil Jolteon Shiny Umbreon Dieno,Zwelious,and Hydreigon another Shiny umbreon Shiny Vaporeon...
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    Knowing - my movie review

    Here's my first review of the movie, Knowing. This is one of the weirdest disaster movies I have ever seen! It has a mix of drama, suspense, horror, and even Sci-Fi! Here's the storyline: In the fall of 1959, for a time capsule, students draw pictures of life as they imagine it will be in 50...
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    Sonic Zodiac

    Everyone who is also a fan of sonic the hedgehog should check this out... Tell me below who you are! =) Why did I have to be Aquarius!? T_T BTW, click on the image to make it bigger...
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    Pokemon weird or amazing moments when playing pokemon

    What's the weirdest or amazing moment when you were playing any pokemon games? My weird moment was when I was getting frustrated at trying to catch raikou in pokemon Heartgold. After hours of tries, I got so frustrated, I yelled at Raikou that I was going to get Arceus out of my PC box and...
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    Pokemon Roaming ledgendaries

    Everyone knows about the Roaming ledgendaries in pokemon games, Mespirt,Cresselia,Entei,Latios,Latias,articuno,zapdos,and moltres.Was there ever a time you got so frustrated at trying to catch them, you wanted to snap your DS in half and throw it on the ground? I know I had that feeling so many...
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    DPPt/HGSS help please! =( problem with catching raikou!

    In my pokemon heartgold, I'm trying to catch raikou, but I can't! I throw ultra balls, dusk balls when it's nightime, tried to put it to sleep,and weared down it's Hp until it was in the red zone, But it keeps coming out of the pokeballs and runs away! Could someone please tell me how to catch...