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  1. Terridactual

    Your Greatest Fears & Phobias

    I have a fear of balloons. It sounds silly but it's always been with me ever since I was young, I couldn't attend parties or weddings because of it. I have coping techniques in place now but I still get nervy every now and again when a little kid is messing around with a balloon. I'm afraid of...
  2. Terridactual

    Active You Laugh, You Lose - Post Something Funny!

    This is probably old humour by now but this video is just a classic to me.
  3. Terridactual

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    I brought the Hoenn Collection yesterday in GAME (Primal Kygore EX version), I didn't pull anything fantastic but I managed to get a DCE that I needed for a deck and a holo Gigalith, regular rare Glaceon and a reverse Swalot.
  4. Terridactual

    Primal Clash Discussion Thread

    I don't know if this would fill in any blanks or if it's true yet but I've heard that the pull ratio is going to be pretty high for the set because of how many EX's, FA's and Secret Rares there is. Saying that, I manged to pull both Gaverdoir EX and Sharpedo FA EX in a pre-release whilst a kid...
  5. Terridactual

    Pokemon Naming Your Character in Pokémon Games

    I used to make names up for my trainers in-game (such as Alice from my B&W game and made it follow a story from B&W2, thanks to the thing which let the game retain memories from B&W which I cant remember what's its called) but I hardly do that these days. Now its just Dale (my surname) with the...
  6. Terridactual

    Primal Clash Deck Possibilities

    I would really like to run something with Sharpedo EX and Gardevoir EX (maybe even a Mega Gardevoir?), two separate decks with some interesting effects going on but I don't know what yet. I heard Fairy and maybe even Wailord EX (that HP though) would be getting big in metagame so who knows? I...
  7. Terridactual

    Primal Clash Discussion Thread

    RE: Primal Clash? I don't think I'm supposed to answer since it's not related to the topic but for what I found, it depends. I was getting more EX and FA than the Ancient Traits, other people got more Ancient Traits and some got none at all.
  8. Terridactual

    Collecting Specific Pokémon Cards You Like to Collect

    I'm a bit of a sucker for good artwork, proper good, nice looking artwork so basically, I would collect any pokemon since the art is fantastic (except for the 3D ones, I don't like the look of them much. If I had to choose a couple of pokemon, it would be Sharpedo, Gengar and the Hoenn...
  9. Terridactual

    Primal Clash Discussion Thread

    RE: Primal Clash? I only have Tentacool, Torchic and Bunnelby at the moment from the pre-release but wowie, I'm truely liking them a lot. The reversed ones look even cooler in my opinion.
  10. Terridactual

    Is the Pokemon TCG Dead?

    Over in my area in the UK, there are three big leagues, that I know of, that all act like a big family together in the West Midlands. Lots and lots of people attend the events that are put out there for people to join. A shop, called Oasis, also runs nearby pre-releases but I'm not sure if they...
  11. Terridactual

    Primal Clash Discussion Thread

    RE: Primal Clash? I'm really excited for all the cards in the set to be honest but Sharpedo EX + FA has already stolen my heart along with many of the the EXs. Half arts are looking really great too, espically Wishcash and Magcargo.
  12. Terridactual

    Water / Dark Deck (Blastiose EX / Zoroark)

    supershehulk: Sorry man but I've gotta agree with Luis here since I can evolve quicker by using Dark Explorer's Zoura and I also have Emploeon's Ability, Driving Draw to help me discard from my hand to draw two cards when I need to. Right, I've played with a couple of more people now and I...
  13. Terridactual

    Water / Dark Deck (Blastiose EX / Zoroark)

    Bump! Well I've got a update, this deck did pretty well yesterday, it managed to beat a Keldeo/Blastiose Deck within the 5th rematch (the guy was really good with it so kudos to him for getting a lot of wins) with Empoleon w/ Rocky Helmet, Zoroark was pretty much dealing damage and was dealing...
  14. Terridactual

    Water / Dark Deck (Blastiose EX / Zoroark)

    I was also thinking about Empoleon's Diving Draw since I have to discard a card for one of it's attacks since I can't see much worth of discarding if that makes sense? Unless the spare Zouras come into use there... Hopefully I'll be able to test it out this weekend coming (24th) since I'm...
  15. Terridactual

    Water / Dark Deck (Blastiose EX / Zoroark)

    Ah, yes, of course, I'll look into the Red Genesect box as well ;) Bit of a update, I've managed to pull some of the trainers out of the XY packs yesterday that'll possibly help such as 2 Professor's Letter, 1 Professor Sycamore and 1 Shauna so hopefully that'll sort out the mess of trainers...
  16. Terridactual

    Hey, Chao TiiiK, welcome to PokéBeach! In regarding to the question in your introduction, of...

    Hey, Chao TiiiK, welcome to PokéBeach! In regarding to the question in your introduction, of course! You can post a tournament legal deck list (which, keep in mind is now Next Destinies onwards) to the Deck Garage section of the forum and people can request advice on how to make your deck...
  17. Terridactual

    MtheW, Ahh, it's just really lovely looking whilst showing the power of Team Rocket c...

    MtheW, Ahh, it's just really lovely looking whilst showing the power of Team Rocket c: Talking about Team Rocket, who's your favourite Rocket Leader (or Rocket Executive as they were called in HG/SS)? Mine's probably Proton if were talking about games but in the anime, it's Cassidy and Butch...
  18. Terridactual

    Water / Dark Deck (Blastiose EX / Zoroark)

    Whoops, I forgotten that I sent you my list of cards to you, aha. I completely forgot and didn't realize! Onto the topic, I'll seriously will go off and buy the single Trainer staples at some point (possibly at the end of May when I'm going into town) since I need to get a couple of packs from...
  19. Terridactual

    Water / Dark Deck (Blastiose EX / Zoroark)

    Ahh okay, sure thing! Maybe some of the Sandile Family from the XY set might be appropriate choice for that then like Sandile and Korkorok? I don't really want to put any more Zouras in since I think I've got more of enough of them to support Zoroark. I'm happy about my pokés at the moment but...
  20. Terridactual

    MtheW, Ahh, thank you~! It's from a Tumblr blog called pokecafehouse whom specialize in icons. I...

    MtheW, Ahh, thank you~! It's from a Tumblr blog called pokecafehouse whom specialize in icons. I seriously like Mudkips quite a bit and I'll admit that they're such a cutie in this icon. I gotta say, I love yours too! Just plain simple Team Rockets Leader being all awesomely bassass with a...