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    Wi-Fi Trades Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Egg Move Tyrunt!)

    Friend Code: 1478-3063-5795 Name: Amphy Time Zone: MST -7 Times Available: 3:30-11PM my time every day for days I go to school, and on 4 or 5 days a week, I am here all day. What I do: All right, welcome to my trade thread! I can trade Pokémon with Gen 6. I like to breed for 4 IV and 5 IV mons...
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    Higgs Boson may have been found.

    "We have it." Anybody who wasn't a hermit for the past few years will most likely know about the Large Hadron Collider and CERN. The rumors flying around were those where it would create some black hole that would destroy the world, bla, bla, bla. Those who created the LHC and CERN...