Recent content by donavannj

  1. donavannj

    Standard Garchomp/Lucario

    So I've only gotten back into standard in the last month (my last time playing consistently predates Black & White's release). I went with a relatively cheap deck to get back into the swing of things and shake off the rust in Garchomp/Lucario. I've decided this is what I'm primarily running...
  2. donavannj

    Collecting Rarest Card in Your Collection?

    Definitely my most valuable, and probably my rarest, too, is my Espeon* from POP Series 5.
  3. donavannj

    Anime Discussion Thread

    FLCL can take a couple times of watching it in full to truly understand what is going on. Though there's not really any real deep meaning from the director/writer, iirc. He just wanted to create a fun show with vague messages. The best thing about that series, IMO, is the soundtrack. The rest...
  4. donavannj

    In my case, it was more a matter of forgetting to dropy by the community, whoops.

    In my case, it was more a matter of forgetting to dropy by the community, whoops.
  5. donavannj

    I feel so rude for not replying for a month, whoops. Hello there!

    I feel so rude for not replying for a month, whoops. Hello there!
  6. donavannj

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello there, my name is donavannj. I've joined because I actually intend to use the search function to find things in threads and also broaden my knowledge of just how many collectibles there are out there in the Pokemon merch side of things. I also may be selling/trading a few things on...