Recent content by Carlos

  1. Carlos

    Ruling Power Spray against "As often as you like" Powers

    So what about Rampardos? Thanks, everybody. The Sunyshore Gym Stadium thing (and the main question) was for providing protection and "smoothness" in my Electris Trans deck. I've decided to leave the Stadium out, but it would be nice to know what would happen in that scenario. Thanks again.
  2. Carlos

    Ruling Power Spray against "As often as you like" Powers

    Oh well, oh well, oh well Thank you, everybody. I'll ask a couple more questions here I've got from playing rogue decks, to not make another topic (is that wrong? I hope not). Just two: 1. SW Xatu is maybe the only one card I've seen with the "Once during your turn" text not followed by the...
  3. Carlos

    Ruling Aaron's Collection

    Yep, just look for a big SP logo at the bottom of the Pokémon's picture. Then that Pokémon can be recovered, just like with any other Trainer that involves them.
  4. Carlos

    Ruling Power Spray against "As often as you like" Powers

    Wow^2 Wow! Thanks! I can't believe nobody asked this kind of question anywhere before. I was already supposing the Power was canceled, because of the "any" in there. Thanks a lot!
  5. Carlos

    Ruling Power Spray against "As often as you like" Powers

    Wow Thanks a lot... I'll wait for someone else to confirm it if you're not 100% sure >_> But that was really helpful. Thanks!
  6. Carlos

    Ruling Power Spray against "As often as you like" Powers

    Hi. Thanks for reading. I got a couple of questions while playing with my friends, and sometimes the wording is a bit confusing... First, the one in the topic title... 1. Power Spray saying "This counts as that Pokémon using its Poké-Power" makes it read like if you only get to use once...
  7. Carlos

    Slaking. -Dialga G?

    How about some Energy Link tools along with the Switches and Warp Points? It would be risky with Masmagius or Pachirisu out there... but who plays them?? Oh, yeah, Electivire lvl X too >_> OK, discard that idea -_-