Recent content by Alseatao

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    ***Closed Until futher notice. Please do not trade with until further notice****

    RE: Luxray GL X, Promocroak, Gengar X, and More!!! [W] Plush My Pikachu m lv x and shining noctowl, your luxray lv x... lmk thanks.
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    Chia Trades [H] Lots of new Ex's [W] Darkrai ex regular and shiny rayquaza

    RE: [W]Promocroak, Luxray X and more! [H] 3 RH Spiritombs and misc My: PromoCroak Your: RH Spiritomb Palkia G Lv X
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    blaZofgold - The Home of the Golden Tortoise - Trading Venusaur EX!

    RE: blaZofgold - See What You Like. NOW TRADING GENGAR X AND ENTEI-SUICUNE LEGEND! My: Full Lugia or Full Ho-oh Legend Your: Gengar Lv X
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    Want: Ex Sandstorm Reverse Holo Rare Candies

    RE: Tyler Z's Trade Thread H: Unleashed & Tons of Rare Candies! My: Donphan Prime Machamp Lv X Your: 7 Rare Candies
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    RE: H: Victory Medal AND MISSING ONLY 15 CARDS FROM UL W: Shining Steelix ! My: Shining Steelix Your: 4 Rare Candies.
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    HAVE: complete set of DP in RH! 50+ Lv.X's, 40+ EX's WANT: Luxray X.

    My: 1 piece of Lugia Legend 1 Piece of Ho-oh Legend Ampharos Prime Your: Mew Ex HP Groudon Ex CG Feraligatr Ex UF Also, how much do you value a Flygon Lv X?
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    WOW!!!!UNDAUNTED PRIMES [H] Flygon X, promocroak, RH luxray [W] Uxie X, Luxray X

    RE: TweedMart! [W] Luxray X , Promocroak etc. [H] Sleeves and more! Your not interested in my deal? I was giving you everything in your wants.... and instead asking for pretty much non-playable cards.... you just like ripping people off.
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    WOW!!!!UNDAUNTED PRIMES [H] Flygon X, promocroak, RH luxray [W] Uxie X, Luxray X

    RE: TweedMart! [W] Luxray X , Promocroak etc. [H] Sleeves and more! So are you going to be replying to my offer?
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    WOW!!!!UNDAUNTED PRIMES [H] Flygon X, promocroak, RH luxray [W] Uxie X, Luxray X

    RE: TweedMart! [W] Luxray X , Promocroak etc. [H] Sleeves and more! Hmm ok well lets say Glaceon X IS 25$, as you can see azelf x is actually 14$ and in stock at troll-toad - AND Dialga G X is listed at 20$
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    WOW!!!!UNDAUNTED PRIMES [H] Flygon X, promocroak, RH luxray [W] Uxie X, Luxray X

    RE: TweedMart! [W] Luxray X , Promocroak etc. [H] Sleeves and more! loool man thats insane.... My: Promocroak 16 Infernape 4 X 14 Dialga G X 15 BTS 3 = 48$ Your: Azelf X 15 Glaceon X 17 = 32$
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    WOW!!!!UNDAUNTED PRIMES [H] Flygon X, promocroak, RH luxray [W] Uxie X, Luxray X

    RE: TweedMart! [W] Luxray X , Promocroak etc. [H] Sleeves and more! Well, i have this : But its not really updated.
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    WOW!!!!UNDAUNTED PRIMES [H] Flygon X, promocroak, RH luxray [W] Uxie X, Luxray X

    RE: TweedMart! [W] Luxray X , Promocroak etc. [H] Sleeves and more! I have promocroak and infernape 4 Lv X and BTS, i would like: Glaceon Lv X Gengar Lv X Azelf Lv X
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    W: Japanese RL cards H: Lots of Staples

    RE: W: Uxie X Mewtwo X H: Jumpluff Set Luxray X I understand Luxray Lv X is valued right now close to 100$, I have every Level X including Uxie Lv X.... what combination of Lv X's would you like for the Luxray X... would really love to work something out, thanks.
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    Lv63:: H :: BIG UPDATE! Everything you Need!!! W:: Leafeon X!!

    RE: Lv63 ~ H: Flygon X, Gengar X, Shining Charizard, Promocroak W: Machamp X and SF! Since when is Flygon X 35$? its clearly worth 25$ and less on ebay...... and here.... oh and by the way, espeon ex is worth like 8$...
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    Lv63:: H :: BIG UPDATE! Everything you Need!!! W:: Leafeon X!!

    RE: Lv63 ~ H: Flygon X, Gengar X, Shining Charizard, Promocroak W: Machamp X and SF! My: Azelf Lv X Raichu X BTS 2 DCE Your: Flygon X ??