Thursday – February 3rd, 2005

Just running in real quick since I have a lot of school work to do. I have recieved a complete set list of EX Deoxys, and almost thirty scans of the set, with more being sent to me tonight. Just want to give everyone a head’s up and say to check back here on Saturday morning before you head out to your pre-releases so that you can get a look at them. I will not show them now, unlike last time, since I would be putting a lot of people in jeopardy of many things. What I will tell you now are of what the boxtopper and pre-release card in the set will be. Do not read on if you do not want to be spoiled, and do not post this information at forums or anywhere else without giving a warning first, since many people get grumpy when they are spoiled. :)

Boxtopper: Rocket’s Raikou ex
Pre-release promo: Manectric

Be sure to check back Saturday!