Metagross from Battle Partners!

The Metagross evolution line has been revealed from Battle Partners, which releases in Japan on January 24th. We expect most of the unreleased cards from this set to become part of the international set Journey Together, which releases in March.

Beldum – Psychic – HP60
Basic Pokémon

[P] Spinning Attack: 10 damage.

[P][P] Beam: 30 damage.

Weakness: Darkness (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-30)
Retreat: 1

Metang – Psychic – HP100
Stage 1 – Evolves from Beldum

[P] Psypunch: 30 damage.

[P][P] Zen Headbutt: 50 damage.

Weakness: Darkness (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-30)
Retreat: 2

Metagross – Psychic – HP170
Stage 2 – Evolves from Metang

[P] Wrack Down: 60 damage.

[P][P] Joint Beam: 130+ damage. If Beldum and Metang are on the Bench, this attack does 150 more damage.

Weakness: Darkness (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-30)
Retreat: 3

At least Steven's Metagross ex is already confirmed?
Coming in a starter deck product, the same way Marnie's Grimmsnarl ex (and her other pokemons) is.
Yeah this is bad. 280 hit is a lot but 2 energy + 2nd stage + asking for a specific basic + 1st stage on the bench is too much. It's also v susceptible once its set up.
With TM evo and Hyper Aroma setting up multiple Beldums + Metangs isn't that hard. The main problem is weaving fresh Metagross each turn because 170HP stage 2 in this day and age is laughably fragile.

I guess you could play it like the single prize Skeledirge (that has the same attack as Palkia VStar, but Fire type) but that deck asks a LOT to be played smoothly and I fear this one has the same issue.
My GOAT Azumarill just outclasses this guy like it outclasses everyone else. 😤

Also, I feel like in terms of casual fun the vikavolt that does increased damage for benched charjabugs would be more enjoyable to play. This is just clunky
Not sure who translated this, but is it standard to infer the "and" when the Japanese is written that way? Specifically there's no conjunction or other particle/word between Beldum and Metang, so is there a chance it means "Beldum or Metang"?
Gym heroes and gym challenge.

I know, what you're gonna say "Those were older Wizards sets, newer sets never do that". Yes but, still.
Not the most modern set, but EX Dragon Frontiers is a set where every Pokemon is a Delta Species for what it's worth

Anyways this card is awful lmao, hoping we get more of the trainer's Pokemon revealed instead of this generic pack filler
Why a Metagross line? When Metagross will receive a trainer card next month... over 1000 pokemons to pick and they repeat so often...

This could have been a Kommo-o for example who last printed card was in SnM era...
I feel like it'd be sadder to have a Trainer's Metagross that is godawful rather than just a godawful Metagross
sad...they should do only trainer's pokemon in this set =(
I still think they making the right decision. If you have a bunch of different trainers to complete a whole set the archetypes would be so weak and idk gameplay wise that doesnt seem fun. Or if you have few trainers but loads of pokemon for each thatd be interesting gameplay wise but you'd have a bunch of nonsensical pairings like idk Erika's Jigglypuff to say something. I dont mind if there's non canon pairings but if they do it in excess I do stop caring altogether