Castform Sunny Form from “Paradise Dragona!”

A new Castform Sunny Form will debut in Paradise Dragona! Its Illustration Rare features all forms of Castform.

Castform Sunny Form – Fire – HP70
Basic Pokemon

[R] Singe: Your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Burned.

[R][C] Sunny Assist: 50 damage. Move all Energy from this Pokémon to 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 0

Paradise Dragona will release in Japan on September 13th. We expect most of its cards to become part of our Surging Sparks set in November. Thanks goes to Toine L. for the translation!

The illustration rare is beautiful, depicting the 4 Castform form over the Paldea region, its too bad they weren't actually in Scarlet and Violet. The card itself is really bad, unless there are other castforms yet to be revealed that combo to make this better.
Just wait until we get a stadium that says you can attach an infinite amount of energy from your hand to your active Castform :O
Bro so strong (50 damage) that you HAVE to move all energys from this pokemon sigh...
The power creep is real 😔😔😔
I mean, it is a free retreater, and with its HP it is not surviving next turn if it attacks, so moving the energy is not bad to keep it in play, Gouging Fire would appreciate it. A shame 50 damage is so little, if it were 70 like Morpeko it would be a lot more interesting.
Lazy card design.

They should make smaller sets and fill them with playable cards instead of gigantic sets with a bunch of useless filler.

Players and collectors would benefit from this a lot
Bro so strong (50 damage) that you HAVE to move all energys from this pokemon sigh...
The power creep is real 😔😔😔
It’s decent energy insurance. 70hp makes it searchable with Poffin. Attach an energy manually when it’s on the bench and your opponent won’t care.

Attach another with Mela (assuming one of your Pokémon was knocked out last turn) if it’s in the active, draw 6, use the second attack, and now one of your other benched Pokémon gets two free energy attachments. As a chump blocker it works well with cards that give you an advantage for being behind on prizes, like counter catcher.

It’s a classic red card and the artwork is amazing. No complaints here.