This Lost Zone Box Has All The Answers You Need
Hello to all PokeBeach readers! This is Gabriel Semedo again with another Pokémon TCG article and this time I’m going to talk about Lost Zone box.

Many new things are coming to the competitive scene, such as the arrival of the new Temporal Forces expansion and Standard format rotation, however, we have another month in this format and it is healthy, with several balanced decks and creative strategies. Specifically, I have a Regional to play in Brazil; the Goiania Regional on the 9-10th of March. I am already preparing for the competition, which means I have been training a lot and creating some ideas.
For the Goiania Regional, I have focused more on Lost Zone box decks, precisely the Lost Zone paradox box — the one with Iron Hands ex and Roaring Moon ex. I have changed the list several times, and with each League Challenge and League Cup that I play, the list ends up changing a little while maintaining the concept.
In today’s article, I will reveal two Lost Zone box lists that I am training and I will go into detail about how each deck works, what each tech card is for and also comment on the metagame matchups.
Lost Zone Counter Box
Gone are the days when Lost Zone box was the biggest force in the metagame, now Lost Zone box has become an anti-meta deck and the focus is on adapting it to beat the prominent decks in the metagame. A great proof of this is that this Lost Zone box does not have two of the normal Lost Zone attackers; Sableye and Radiant Greninja (it’s in the deck but can’t attack without Water Energy). The truth is that you can no longer play the way Lost Zone box is usually played, as Jirachi and Manaphy put an end to any strategy related to spreading damage on the field, to clean up with strategic Knock Outs. Since it is no longer possible to play this way, the solution is to play more offensively and directly, always trying to respond to the opponent’s strong turns. To do this, the deck had to undergo a major change.
This concludes the public portion of this article.
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