TPCi Takes Transparent Route, Begins Publishing Investigations Regarding Player Conduct at Events

TPCi has issued a statement to their official forum outlining an investigation they conducted into a recent incident that took place at the Hartford Regionals:

We are aware of a player accused of egregious behavior that falls well outside of expectations for the Play! Pokémon community. Our investigation into this incident has resulted in the following conclusions:

  1. The player in question did not take an active role in what led to the accusation.
  2. Other persons, both from the player community and the peer group of the accused player, were determined to be responsible for the content that led to the accusation.
  3. Other persons from within the player community published the content and presented it publicly in a way intended to inflict damage upon the accused party.

Currently our findings do not support taking any disciplinary action against the accused player. Should more information come to light, we reserve the right to update our decision accordingly. Following an additional investigation, those who created the content used against the accused player may face long-term disciplinary consequences in the Play! Program.

TPCi’s post is notable because it acknowledges a problem took place at their event, shows they investigated it, and summarizes their findings and actions. Players have been asking for this kind of transparency for quite some time, especially in regard to recent incidents.

While it’s not TPCi’s fault how players conduct themselves, it’s the company’s responsibility to ensure their events are safe. This kind of transparency is very much welcome, as it assures players they are taking action to discipline and discourage poor behavior.

TPCi does not acknowledge the specific incident that took place (those who know, know). This is likely for legal reasons and to prevent witch-hunts. This is especially necessary in the age of social media where people take things out of context or place the blame on the wrong parties, as was the case in this incident.

The company encourages players to continue reporting any issues to them directly at