All Isshu Pokemon Sprites + List + Info!
The webmaster of Spanish site Pokexperto just leaked all of the Isshu Pokemon’s sprites and information (excluding Formes)! You can see them all below. With thanks to Melkor and Howabe from GameFAQS, I have compiled all of the Pokemon into a list which features all of their names and types. Base stats and abilities are also shown for all Pokemon that are not pre-evolutions (in other words, Pokemon that will most likely never be used in competitive tournaments since they evolve into something better). Check out our Isshu Pokemon list!
Update (3:45 PM) – Continuing with our prerelease coverage, more information has leaked on Japanese forum 2ch. The points below are arranged from newest to oldest, so read them from bottom to top if you just got here. Also be sure to read our previous posts today for more information!
- A video showing a few trainer battle encounters. There is a menu on the bottom screen during standard play, but the video recording barely shows it.
- VS Yakon, the fifth Gym Leader. His gym uses an elevator platform puzzle.
- Pokerus returns in Black and White.
- Charmander!
- After fighting the Elite 4 rematches, a new Champion named Adeku challenges you. His team consists of: Agirudaa, Buffalon, Kurimugan, Baibanira, Shubarugo, and Urugamosu. All of his team are at Level 75, with exception of Urugamosu who is Level 77.
- VS Kamitsure, the fourth Gym leader. You can hear the Gym battle music quite clearly in this video. When you take on the final Pokemon, the music suddenly shifts into a faster paced battle orchestra.
- Futachimaru evolves into Daikenki!
- A YouTube video of Hiun City!
- After a certain point you’ll be able to store up to 720 Pokemon in your PC (24 boxes), meaning the eight boxes are only temporary. Presumably they’re unlocked after you get the National Dex.
- Reshiram, Zekrom, and N!
- The Ferris wheel!
- Investigator Looker from Platinum appears in Isshu!
- Elite 4 Rematch Teams: Shikimi – Level 71 Desukan, Burunkeru, Goruggo, Froslass, and Level 73 Shanderaa; Giima – Level 71 Sharpedo, Warubiaru, Zuruzukin, Drapion, Lepardasu, and Level 73 Kirikizan; Katorea – Level 71 Musharna, Rankurusu, Shinporah, Bronzong, Gochiruzeru, and Level 73 Metagross; Renbu – Level 71 Breloom, Kojondo, Dageki, Nageki, Toxicroak, and Level 73 Roopushin
- If you purchase one of the TCG “Journey Partner” promo collections, you’ll get a code inside that will allow you to download either Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup. Like the Kanto Starters, they have different abilities than normal.
- TMs in the game – TM02: Dragon Claw, TM03: Psycho Shock, TM05: Roar, TM09: Venom Shock, TM10: Hidden Power, TM13: Ice Beam, TM15: Hyper Beam, TM17: Protect, TM22: Solar Beam, TM28: Dig, TM29: Psychic, TM30: Shadow Ball, TM31: Brick Break, TM36: Sludge Bomb, TM39: Rock Tomb, TM41: Torment, TM42: Facade, TM43: Nitro Charge, TM44: Rest, TM45: Attract, TM46: Thief, TM53: Energy Ball, TM54: False Swipe, TM55: Boiling Water, TM56: Fling, TM57: Charge Beam, TM58: Free Fall, TM61: Will-O’-Wisp, TM62: Acrobat, TM66: Payback, TM67: Get Even, TM68: Giga Impact, TM70: Flash, TM72: Volt Change, TM76: Bug Resistance, TM78: Smooth Over, TM79: Ice Breath, TM80: Rock Throw, TM81: X-Scissor, TM82: Dragon Tail, TM83: Cheer Up, TM84: Poison Jab, TM86: Grass Knot, TM89: U-Turn, TM91: Flash Cannon, TM93: Wild Bolt, TM94: Rock Smash
- N tells you, “If you want to protect the [emotional] bond, you should search for Reshiram!”
- We’re pretty sure now that Elite Four member Katorea is the same Katorea (or Caitlin in English versions) that accompanies Frontier Brain Darach, especially since Cynthia is in the game now.
- Scary Zekrom!
- Here’s another pic of the badges and here’s one of the map.
- There is a new area called the Seabed Ruins which feature a unique rune scripture. You access it by using Dive. The writing on the walls is weird symbols.
- Cynthia’s Team – Spiritomb, Milotic, Garchomp, Lucario, Wargle, and Shibirudon. All are at Level 75 except for Garchomp, who is Level 77. She comes in the spring and summer only, but you can battle her as much as you like. So much for no old characters in the games – it appears that even one of the Elite Four is a Battle Frontier Brain.
- Champion Cynthia is in Isshu. She is asking the player: “I’d love to challenge you… would you possibly be my opponent?”
- You can get a Bicycle in Raimon City.
- Professor Araragi gives you a Master Ball.
- Your Trainer card lists your own Nature! Perhaps it has an in-game purpose?
- Depending on the version you have, you can trade your Churine or Monmen for an in-game character’s Monmen or Churine. So much for being version-exclusive!
- After you beat the Elite Four you can find Pidgey, Wurmple, Rhyhorn, Gastly, Starly, and Shinx in White Forest at Level 5.
- The fossils of Purotoga and Aken are found in Rizoodo Desert which you can access after you defeat the third Gym Leader. Once you obtain your fossil, you can bring it back to life in Shippou City.
- A video of the first Gym Battle. Recorded from the live stream that was on NicoNico.
- A video of the opening has appeared on YouTube. It shows N being crowned by Geechisu, and the sages which you have to find as a post Elite Four quest. This is followed by a montage of in-game shots with the words ‘Hope’, ‘Dream’, and ‘Discovery’. It ends by saying ‘Adventure Awaits for you and your Pokemon’. Much like the previous games, the title screen features a full 3D render of the mascot Pokemon.
- Zekrom’s Stats – It’s caught at Level 50 and knows DragonBreath, Slash, Extrasensory, and Cross Thunder. Ability is TeraVoltage.
- After the Elite Four you go on a quest to find seven sages. No further details yet as to why you go on this quest.
- Reshiram’s Stats – It’s caught at Level 50 and knows DragonBreath, Slash, Extrasensory, and Cross Flame. Ability is Turbo Blaze.
- Reshiram and Zekrom appear!
- The Champion is reported to be Belle. She uses a team consisting of Muurando (Lv.66), Yanakkii (Lv.66), Musharna (Lv.66), and Enbuoo/Jaroda/Daikenki (Lv.70). The last Pokemon, obviously, depends on your choice of starter.
- The final member of the Elite Four is: Renbu. He specializes in Fighting-type Pokemon and is reported to use a Nageki (Lv.48), Dageki (Lv.48), Roopushin (Lv.48), and Kojondo (Lv.50).
- The third member of the Elite Four is: Katorea. She specializes in Psychic-type Pokemon and is reported to use a Rankurusu (Lv.48), Musharna (Lv.48), Shinborah (Lv.48), and Gochiruzeru (Lv.50). It’s interesting to note that she shares both her name and her appearance with Caitlin (also called Katorea in Japan) from the Sinnoh Frontier Brains. They might be the same person, but this is unconfirmed.
- The second member of the Elite Four is: Giima. He specializes in Dark-type Pokemon and is reported to use a Zuruzukin (Lv.48), Warubiaru (Lv.48), Reparudasu (Lv.48), and Kirikizan (Lv.50).
- The first member of the Elite Four is: Shikimi. She specializes in Ghost-type Pokemon and is reported to use a Desukan (Lv.48), Burunkeru (Lv.48), Goruggo (Lv.48), and Shanderaa (Lv.50).