Pokemon Apprentice League Up, New Deck Fix

Pokemon Apprentice League Up, New Deck Fix
By: [Water Pokémon Master] — Sunday – May 2nd, 2004

»Pokemon Apprentice League Info and Sign Ups: Well, I got the Pokemon Apprentice League all set up. The Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic the Gathering leagues will be put together as soon as we set everything up. Anyways, in order to download Apprentice, to be in the Pokemon League, and to set up battles with other members, you have to sign up at the PokeBeach Forums. If you have tried and failed to download Apprentice before, there will be absolutely no way you can fail by doing it through our forums, since I wrote a very detailed guide on how to install it and use it. If you have not yet signed up on the forums, [click here] to register so that you can download it. If you are already signed up, you can go directly to the forums by clicking Forums under PokeBeach in the left menu. Once you have signed up or if you are already signed up, go to the Pokemon League forum under Apprentice League and read through the three step topics. Once you have signed up, you will be able to schedule battles with people and earn points towards online and real-life prizes. We will first have to see how many people we get before deciding on a prize system, so be sure to sign up as soon as possible!

»New Deck Fix: Swanton1717 is in today with a deck fix. What deck does he take a look at? Yet another Alakazam deck! To go to the Deck Garage page to see the deck fix, [click here].