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Standard Zoroark-GX/Garbodor


Aspiring Trainer
Yeah, you didn't read wrong.

##Pokémon - 22

* 4 Zorua SLG 52
* 4 Zoroark-GX SLG 53
* 4 Klefki STS 80
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
* 4 Trubbish GRI 50
* 2 Garbodor GRI 51
* 2 Garbodor BKP 57

##Trainer Cards - 30

* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
* 3 Brigette BKT 161
* 3 Cynthia UPR 119
* 3 N PR-BLW BW100
* 2 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 3 Guzma BUS 115
* 4 Puzzle of Time BKP 109
* 3 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 3 Choice Band GRI 121
* 1 Field Blower GRI 125
* 1 Float Stone PLF 99

##Energy - 8

* 4 Double Colorless Energy SUM 136
* 4 Psychic Energy SUM 162

Total Cards - 60

Counts aren't optimized but the concept is simple. You are Zoroark. You like to spam your trade ability and get lots of cards. But you don't like it when your opponent gets to do that, so you play Garbodor.

Garbodor doesn't like any of this ability usage nonsense though, so we need his buddy Klefki to convince him to stack the odds in our favor. Klefki discards itself at the end of the turn, so Garbodor will block abilities on your opponent's turn, but not your's. You have puzzles and stretchers galore to recycle Klefkis, and trade to help dig through your deck to find them.

I include Garb GRI as a solution to the fairly common Buzzwole matchup, since I can't use Mew-EX in this deck and I want to run a high Trubbish count anyways. If you're not afraid of bugs, you can cut those and the psychic energies for more consistency and maybe an Acerola or two.

Thoughts, suggestions, am I crazy for doing this?