Zenith's Kompletely-Amazing Game for Winners

So that's what Peach looks like without makeup on.

Sorry, I'm derailing this thread.
sorry to go off topic but (cause this thread isnt already...) but are you gonna end the game early because of the game corner shutdown?
That's kind of frustrating, actually. I was hoping that I could at least finish the first season before it got shut down and replaced. Hopefully this old thread isn't totally deleted. It would be /neat/ if this thread could be locked, moved to the new game corner after re-approval, and just re-opened, but seeing as how this forum is usually run I wouldn't count on it. I'm going to try and save a lot of the important stuff on my computer.

Anyway, back to the game.

>You decide that "MARY GLAN S" is actually an anagram of "ANGRY SLAM".
>You decide that the angriest slam is one done with your head, so you bash your head into the wall as hard as you can.
>The door opens at that exact moment, and you knock out a guard. You appear to be in a prison!

10 points to Hyperbeem. This isn't the original solution to this puzzle, but I decided that the original solution was too difficult and let this one work.
Frantically shoots lots of bullets out in case there is anyone there while Screaming Epicly : RAAAAAAAAWWWR.
>You decide to fire around the hallway randomly, just in case. The noise draws another guard into the room! He sounds an alarm and is shot.
>You rummage around in the first guard's pockets. You find a Red Key. It probably opens a red door, or something stupid like that. You also find a photo of his family.
>You should probably do something about that alarm. It's giving you a headache.

4 points to Afro-G, 2 points to Ludicolo909.
>You go up to the alarm switch, but obviously it's no longer active. It is an alarm. You cannot just turn it off.
>You're not sure why you thought you would be able to do anything!
Slowly approach the guard that was shot, check if he's still alive.