Media Youtube Copyrights and Pokemon


Aspiring Trainer
In some ways just to vent in others a PSA, the signature Z Moves of the starters are recognised as owned by Pokemon's Japanese youtube channel and therefore the video is automatically blocked worldwide. No copyright strikes are filed against your channel it just is an automatic policy the Japanese channel has. For any lets players, it's something to be aware of and calls for some editing.
If you aren't monetizing the video, I believe it falls under fair use.
Nintendo has awful YouTube policies so I'm not surprised about this. Let's Players have always had to tread with caution, and it's why many turn to other games or other sources of monetization.
I dont monetise my content, at the same time I have no face cam or commentary so even though the videos are edited they're very much straight up game footage so the fair use thing gets a little tricky. Nintendo's history (Uranium et al) and the fact that disputes are a long process honestly lead me to think it's easier to just edit the footage to the bit where the attack name pops up and then flash to the damage, sure it may not look perfect but I'm not one to rock the boat and would rather just upload my stuff under the radar. Sure wish I'd known this before recording 5 videos in a row but hey.
Yeah, its quite annoying. I really wish laws would catch up this kind of thing because it has been a nightmare. I don't know how you can own something and still get content ID'd. The worst thing that happened to me was I used free public domain content and I still got a copyright claim to it. The problem here is a lot of it is automatic. The thing here is the company in question doesn't even get a notification when a claim is sent out. In most cases, you can depute the claim and it will just fizzle out. I had to do that for my review of Pokken Tournament.

Best thing you can do is cut out the scenes they uploaded but I understand how annoying that is. I canceled a playthrough of Call of Duty Black Ops 3 because of that. In other news, as while back, Fox took a clip from YouTube and used it for an episode of Family Guy. The clip was of a NES game that a person uploaded and that Fox took and get this. They guy who originally owned the clip got content ID'd and had his video removed despite Fox stole it from him.

YouTube doesn't care about the little guys and only care about the company.

He covers it.
Yeah it was an automatic thing I got, just a visual content match (interestingly nothing else has flagged that, yet anyway) and Pokemon's Japanese site has a worldwide block as an automatic policy, so it could've been much worse it wasn't a copyright strike the video wasn't taken down it was just only visible to me.

This is Nintendo though, they don't really like people recording their stuff at all.