Your deck building weaknesses.

Lou Cypher

The melody of your defeat
Yeah, just a funny little topic. The question here being; what kind of deck CAN'T you build, while it IS a played deck? So mainly post here the archetypes you just can't build a good list of on your own.

My weakness is SP decks. I keep building them, having to remove stuff to get to 60 cards, and when I'm finally at 60...I realize I should somehow add some energy.

So whats your weakness?
This is hard. I'm nice with rogue, SP, and speed decks. I guess I'm not so good at making Combination decks. Like GeChamp and Dialga G/Palkia? Yeah, I'm really only good with GallApe. I can't specifically say a stage two deck because most of them are for speed.
I'm good on building any kind of deck, the only deck hard for me to build is probably Machamp. Can't find any combo's with it.
I can't seem to wrap my head around speed decks but i think that might be because i tend to avoid staples (like claydol) i can make fast sp and stage 1 but stage 2 gives me issues
Azul said:
I'm good on building any kind of deck, the only deck hard for me to build is probably Machamp. Can't find any combo's with it.

Machamp doesn't really need combos. Most people play straight Machamp, but some play GeChampa and some play Machamp w/ Rampardos (Machamp w/ Ramps used to be very popular in my area.)
I can build an SP deck but it has so many options you are lost for choice so I understand Lou how hard it can be.

I do have trouble with stage 1 decks. They just feel empty to me
Stage 1 decks.... Definitely Stage 1 Decks. I never know what to fill all the empty space with!
I have a hard time building SP decks that play tight lists and big combos like Palkia/Dialga and Luxape also I can never make a Leafeon deck work consistently.
I can't seem to make GeChamp or Gengar for that matter. I also can't build a good stage one deck. It's also hard for me to build a fast deck, but at the same time make it consistant.
My biggest weakness is my tendency to lean towards Rare Candy, fast decks, and I have trouble putting in like a 1-1 or 1 Tech(I did it once with 1-1 Dialga G LV.X in Toxitank but I still wasn't sure), I just have a hard time putting in a 1 tech as I usually see it as making deck less consistent(usually).
Also I can never make stage one decks or Eeveelutions(I kinda did a Darkrai/Glaceon lock at Autumn BR's)
I can't, for anything, make comboed decks like GeChamp or Dialga/Palkia G. Other decks are fine like Stage 2 or basics.
hhmm.. i cant make a good SP deck *any kind* mainly because there is so much to put in and my mind gets to be blasted coz i dunno what cards fit with it..
For some reason, I just can't really grasp the concept of building a donk deck. That's why I play annoying(Snorlax) or spread/snipe(AquaVolt) decks.

Seriously, Luxape, Luxray, Dialga/Palkia, Gengar, and GeChamp I have the most trouble with. Combining wierd main attackers together is my super weakness.

dmaster out.
I never fully grasped the idea of Palkia Dialga, nor have I ever been a fan of GeChamp. So I would say that those two would be my weakness. I never figured out how to build any Infernape or Raichu deck either because my play style was way too agressive and I always ended up dumping all of my energy.
I can't build decks that have seven Pokemon, eight energy, and 45 Trainers. I just can't come up with a list with 30+ Trainers without hitting a roadblock. I always think, "What can I include next? Poke-Ball?".
I don't build enough real decks to know my boundaries, so I'll just say the deck I don't like to PLAY with... fast decks. I like being set up by T1 or T2, but if I'm not playing against a really fast deck then it's not much fun for the opponent, which transfers into me not having too much fun. This is especially true for me since I only really play my girlfriend and it's not always good to cream her on the third turn when she plays a set-up deck. So, I only really build fun, semi setup decks.

I'm worried my new SP deck will be a little to quick, but I think it can wait long enough to give her some time to make the match much more fun.

I also agree with whomever says that stage 1 decks always have too much room in them... and it's hard to add in techs and such whilst keeping it consistent :]
I see to many cards that can work together... so i cram way to many in.
then i see a 78 card deck and spend the next 6 hours removing 18 cards