You Know You've Been Playing Pokemon/On Pokebeach Too Long When...

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You know you've been on Pokebeach too long when you post something about something about VG in the TCG disscussion area.
Red Striker said:
You know you've been on Pokebeach too long when you post something about something about VG in the TCG disscussion area.

Wouldn't that be using the forums too little?
You know you've been playing Pokemon too long when you have some of the TM numbers memorized.(Not including #50 of Fourth Gen. and #1 of Gen. 4 and 5.)

@Shadow Arceus:I suppose it would...

Please follow the YPPY rule, thanks. ~Afro-G
You Know You've Been Playing Pokemon/On Pokebeach Too Long When you know 25 of the member's real names.
You know you've been on Pokebeach to long when you begin searching the Pokebeach Member Picture thread, frantically searching for anyone you may know in person.
You know you've been playing pokemon too long when you think a refrigerator you stubbed your toe on is a freeze rotom out to get you.
You know you've been playing Pokemon too long when you change your cell's ringtone to match the XTranceiver's ringtone.
You know you've been on Pokebeach too long when you almost say/do say "/me" before a sentence referencing to yourself around others

I did this 20 times today... :/
You know you have been on the Forum Games and More too long when you always wait an extra post before posting because you're afraid to break YPPY.

I never noticed that there are two Darkvoids.
You know that you have been on Pokebeach too long when every dream you have for three weeks straight involves the forums :/
You know that you have been on PokeBeach too long when you can't leave even if you want to.

dmaster out.
You know you've been playing pokemon too long when you realize that you just made out with an eevee poster
:p i would do no such thing... *looks at eevee poster*
You know you've been playing Pokemon too long when you avoid looking at people in the eye because you think your Pokemon are low on health and you don't want to battle.
You know you've been on Pokebeach for too long when you don't have a TCG Trade thread and are begging your father to let you make one so you aren't a nobody. :p
You know you've been playing pokemon too long when you realize that your cat is not evee, and won't evolve when you give it a blue stone
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