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Standard Xerneas BREAK!


Twitter/X @JessePrker
Hello friends,
I wanted to discuss Xerneas BREAK and how it fits in today's meta.
This list comes from one of the top players at Bremen Regionals.
I ran this at my league last week and went 4-0 and have been having a lot of success on PTCGO.
My favorite aspect of this deck is how consistent it is.

##Pokémon - 11

* 1 Oranguru SUM 113
* 3 Xerneas BREAK STS 82
* 4 Xerneas STS 81
* 3 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60 (might consider running 4)

##Trainer Cards - 34

* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 4 Ultra Ball DEX 102
* 3 Choice Band GRI 121
* 3 Fairy Garden FCO 100
* 2 Super Rod BKT 149
* 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 2 Exp. Share NXD 87
* 2 Brigette BKT 134
* 3 Guzma BUS 115
* 4 Max Elixir BKP 102
* 4 N NVI 92
* 2 Field Blower GRI 125 (could replace 1 or both with Enhanced Hammer)

##Energy - 15

* 3 Double Colorless Energy
* 12 Fairy Energy

Idealy, start with Xerneas > get out brigette with ultra ball/lele > bench your xerneas + oranguru > proceed to geomancy for a couple turns until your hitting big numbers with choice band!
The meta has slowed down which makes it possible to setup geomancys. If you can setup even 2 geomancys then the game is yours.
Even if they are knocking out your xerneas, this deck trades prizes very well since you have all 1 prize attackers. Combo that with exp shares, DCE and max elixir and it is easy to keep hitting 200+ every turn.


Xerneas has no clear autoloss which is extremely nice in a large tournament setting. Its hardest matchup is Gardy; mainly the sylveon variant because if they Plea GX then they cut about half your damage. Combine that with a lot of parallel city techs and you have a very difficult matchup.

Metagross can be rough but they generally take awhile to setup, letting you either geomancy to OHKO metagross, or start picking off beldum/metang.

Volc/Ho-oh/Salazzle variants are generally favorable, although dealing with a kiawed Ho-oh can be a pain.

Vika/Bulu & Garb variants are not all that hard either, although Golisopod can give you trouble if they get it out turn 2.

Ninetales & Greninja have never gave me trouble.

Let me know what you all think or if you have any questions!
Awesome! I had the same idea though running him with garbodor, but im having a bit of trouble fleshig out the rest of my line up. How is this deck workin for you?
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Awesome! I had the same idea thought about running him with garbodor, but im having a bit of trouble fleshig out the rest of my line up. How is this deck workin for you?
I was thinking about garbodor too. I don't think it has been tested yet.
As the list stands, it does really well if your opponent has a slow start, which a lot of decks do right now.
If you can get off 2 geomancys, combined with DCE and choice band, you can 1 shot almost anything.
Im still testing it but my winrate is positive right now.
What about using tapu koko for damage spread? Would that work since for two colorless you can do 20 to each opponents pokemon?
I'm really excited to be able to test with Xerneas, being one of my favorite Pokemon and cards from sts. Here's a good video. This list contains Garb
I run a very similar list but I took out the 2 Field Blowers and added one Parallel City (many decks aren't using Stadium Cards so it hurts them a lot and even if they Field Blower it it's good because it's an Exp. Share or Choice Band less for them to discard) and another Exp. Share. Stays pretty consistent and there's nothing really important I would want to take away with Field Blower, I think Tamao Cameron most recent list doesn't run any Field Blowers too.
I really like the idea of Enhanced Hammer though, it could slow some decks (manily Gard and Drampa/Garbo) and buy some time to add more energy to your board in order to OHKO them. May try it in the place of Parallel City and Exp. Share or even take one Fairy Garden away.
What do you guys think?
If its ok wih the op id like to post my list also and see if i can get some feedback?
Alright. I used to play this, and I think I'm going to play it again.
Those EXP shares are becoming obsolete to Wishful Baton.
However, can you afford to play both Choice Band AND Wishful Baton? There's a consistency issue there, it messes you up when you use different tools.
Hope this helps.
So how do you guys think the Xerneas Break deck will change (or IF it will change at all) with the Shining Legends/Crimsom Invasion release? Any thoughts?
The Xerneas Break deck is my worse nightmare as a Ninja Box player. It has both basic and evolved pokémons (Jolteon-Ex and Glaceon-Ex have problems dealing with this fact). Xerneas does not rely upon abilities too much (Latias-Ex won't help here). If they quickly setup with Brigette turn 1 and start attaching right away, it gets out of control.

Few basic pokémon can counter Xerneas effectively. Trading against those 1 prize attacker is not given to every deck.
Hey, just thought I'd mention playing Counter Energy. If you have more prizes left then your opponent, you are instantly provided with two Fairy Energy, great for charging up Xerneas Break with a single attachment. Maybe removing 2-3 Fairy Energy for them is the best way to fit them in.

Besides that, nice list. I think everyone here has already discussed Garbodor, so I'll skip that. Someone at my League plays Xerneas Break, and he is considering playing the Shining Ho-oh promo since his list excludes Garbodor. If you attach a lot of energy to the Shining Ho-oh, and it gets targeted, you can instantly move two of the basic energy attached to it to one of your benched Pokémon. This can charge a Xerneas Break and conserve energy at the same time. Just a cool tech that can be included, but might be worth considering. Maybe remove an extra card or something your not really attached to for a copy or two.

Anyways I hope this helps. Let me know what you think, thanks!
Alright. I used to play this, and I think I'm going to play it again.
Those EXP shares are becoming obsolete to Wishful Baton.
However, can you afford to play both Choice Band AND Wishful Baton? There's a consistency issue there, it messes you up when you use different tools.
Hope this helps.

I think that EXP. Share is still a better than Wishful Baton since you can use Choice Band and EXP. Share is the same deck (because Wishful Baton has to be attached to your active, removing the ability to attach Choice Band). That's just my opinion, but I still think that EXP. Share is better if you need that extra 30 damage provided by Choice Band on your active Pokémon (at least in this particular deck).
One awesome tech I've been using in my list is Necrozma Gx.
Since you don't really have a GX attack you need to use, you might as well use this.
If all of your opponent's pokemon are 100 hp weaker, it is very much worth it losing 3 energies if they kill your necrozma after it attacks. Now, if they don't kill Necrozma after the Black Ray, you've pretty much won.
Using Black Ray also allows for a faster strategy where you don't need to spend 2 or 3 turns using Geomancy. You should be able to kill most things with 2 energies on your attacking Xerneas Break, choice band, and professor kukui. (90 damage right there)
Been play testing the garbodor variant and so far so good; if you can set up fast enough, you can usually be able to shut decks that rely on abilities with one garb out. Most games ive been playing ive managed to set up another garb on my bench so even if they knock one out they’re still locked bc of the other one. Against decks that dont rely on abilities, your main objective is to set up fast enough that you can be swinging with a xerneas break. I think i might play test with an espeon ex and a necrozma soon. To be honest the only real decks i see this one having problems against would be the metal variants running rampart, and volcanion decks if they manage to set up faster than you do. Thoughts?
Hey, just thought I'd mention playing Counter Energy. If you have more prizes left then your opponent, you are instantly provided with two Fairy Energy, great for charging up Xerneas Break with a single attachment. Maybe removing 2-3 Fairy Energy for them is the best way to fit them in.

Besides that, nice list. I think everyone here has already discussed Garbodor, so I'll skip that. Someone at my League plays Xerneas Break, and he is considering playing the Shining Ho-oh promo since his list excludes Garbodor. If you attach a lot of energy to the Shining Ho-oh, and it gets targeted, you can instantly move two of the basic energy attached to it to one of your benched Pokémon. This can charge a Xerneas Break and conserve energy at the same time. Just a cool tech that can be included, but might be worth considering. Maybe remove an extra card or something your not really attached to for a copy or two.

Anyways I hope this helps. Let me know what you think, thanks!
I really like the idea of a shining ho-oh tech. Originally I thought about Hoopa (shining legends) to stack energy on, but most decks have an easy way to get past safeguard. You could just put 2 energy on ho-oh and be completely safe unless your ability gets locked.
Counter energy I am not completely sold on. Definitely wouldn't mind testing 2 copies.
Parallel might be a nice 1 of to disrupt your opponent AND possible prevent a parallel+plea GX combo, which wrecks this deck.
Garbodor doesn't seem bad but I like just focusing on xerneas. Bench space is going to be tight enough with 4 xerneas, lele, oranguru + w/e tech you use.
Another fun thing you could do with shining ho-oh is slap a counter energy + 2 more energy and OHKO golisopod+any metal pokemon!
Sorry for late response. Yes, it is fine to post your list. I am going to update this one myself soon.

No worries, lol been too busy myself to be able to post, lol. Heres my list:

Xerneas Break/Garbodor

4 Xerneas

4 Xerneas Break

2 Trubbish

2 Garbodor (breakpoint)

2 Tapu Lele

1 Oranguru

15 Pokemon

4 Professor Sycamore

3 N

2 Brigette

1 Skyla

1 Lillie

4 Max Elixer

3 Choice Band

4 Ultra Ball

4 Exp. Share

2 Field Blower

1 Super Rod

1 Rescue Stretcher

2 Fairy Garden

32 Trainers and Supporters

9 Fairy Energy

4 Double Colorless Energy

13 Energy

As i posted earlier, the deck is pretty good, against most decks you want to set up as fast as you can, and against ability dependent decks you want to set up Garbodor; i havent found an answer to metal decks yet nor an answer to Volcanion. Kinda debating on whether to add a second Skyla but i honestly wouldnt know what to take out for it.
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