Would you rather...

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Die alone... I wouldn't ever want to break my current boyfriend's heart.

Would you rather have everlasting life here on Earth
Die right now​
WWII, i have family that fought for the german jews and russians,woot!


Kiss your grandma in public


Kiss someone the same gender as you in public
Kiss my grandma, even though "Its ok to be Takei!"

Would you rather
Have gills instead of lungs -or-
Smell like a fish all the time...

(Wow those are lame)
Have gills.Both are gross.
Have a disgusting person ask you out who looks hideous
Have a creepy person ask you out who is really odd and looks creepy and does creepy things.

~The awesomeness of friendship
They're both the same thing. .___. I guess the last one.

Would you rather ...

Eat a human or eat all of your pets.
Eat a human. Does that make me sick?

WYR: Have your hair be Pink FOREVER
Only be able wear high heels. (this means no other kind of shoe OR just barefeet. >:)
Pink, I really don't like high heels much tbh.

Would you rather....
be a rat living in someone's home
be a tiny little ant?
Be a rat.Rabies.
Be a murderer
a maniac

~The awesomeness of friendship

Would you rather...

Face all of the Legendaries with Lillipup


Face all of the Ganondorf bosses with Magikarp?
Legends, never said lillipup wasnt lvl 100


Fall off the earth


Get killied by leif erickson
2nd one. Leif Erickson has been dead for centuries.


Be forced to eat a soccer ball in 10 minutes


Be forced to gradually eat a motorcycle
Be forced to eat a soccer ball in 10 minutes.
Wear a Poop Suit in public and smell
Use Poop Chapstick when you are about to kiss your date.

~The awesomeness of friendship
The latter.
Because I don't have a boyfriend.

Would you rather all the keys on your keyboard were switched around
your mouse cursor moved upside down and backward?
Mouse cursor. There's a minigame on Wii Party that's really easy with a similar situation.
Eat a plate-full of snails
Eat some kangaroo meat?

I know that both are common in other countries, but what do you guys think?
Yum, Kangaroo burgerz.

Would you rather jump into a tank of toxic liquid
Jump down a 100-foot cliff into a pit of spikes​
^I hate you :D

Be a sheep. I get my hair cut off but I don't get eaten .-.

Die surrounded by lots of loving people, but forgotten soon after
Die alone, but forever missed
B) I'd like to die be myself

Kill yourself and go to Heaven
Have someone kill you and go to Heaven...
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