Writing Winds of Time - PokéBeach CYOA - Chapter 25 - Now with a TL;DR!

RE: Winds of Time - PokéBeach CYOA - Chapter 22

Chapter 22

The flow of time seems to move a great deal slower as you await the men who deceived you; yet, finally footsteps emerge from the left corridor of the cell and you hear muffled chatter about the resistance outside of the iron door. You struggle to make out any clear concept of the discussion but you recognize the name ‘Riley’, ‘Cynthia’, and ‘Eirik’ and before you can make any sense of the puzzle pieces you retrieved from the discussion, the iron door creaks open and reveals a husky man in a black overcoat and an eyepatch over his eye.

“I’m to understand that you’re Mia, ally to the dwindling resistance and enemy of the Shining White City?” He asks with a hint of cockiness in his tone. You remain silent as the man examines you in your seemingly-broken state, you refuse to give him any satisfaction; not while you still have a chance to turn the tides. “I’m afraid that you’ve seen too much of the Shining White City to possibly even vie for eternal confinement, not that we’d be too kind as to offer it anyway to an undeserving northerner-slum like yourself.”

“I wouldn’t want to suffer under the shoes of you rogues anyway.” You call out, and the Warden smiles at your discontent.

“How ostentatious, just like I’ve heard from the other reports. But you’ll have to cool your aqua-jets, as I must extract all the information I can from you before you’re reduced to utter cannon-fodder like your friends,” He takes out a pokeball from his belt and releases a pink mime-like creature whose sudden gaze combined with the Warden’s ominous stare startles you.

“Mr. Mime, search through the memories of this girl and see if you can find anything about the Resistance or the Shining White City.” He ordered the pokemon and you could suddenly notice a blue aura surrounding you and your memories--your thoughts being pilfered by this pokemon. You feel yourself losing control of your own body: your nerves, your limbs, and even your mind. In a panic, you manage to reach for the pokeball in your pocket with your freed hand, and throw it onto the ground in front of Mr. Mime, releasing a strange white wolf-like creature.

“An Absol? How!?” The Warden yells in frustration and his pokemon stops whatever attack it was attempting to do on you; you’re relieved that the attack is over, but the battle has just begun.

“Attack it with all your might!” You yell and Absol swiftly strikes down the Mr. Mime with the horn on his head cloaked in a type of darkness. Mr. Mime falls to the ground, knocked out from the blow.

“This isn’t over,” The Warden struggles to reach for another one of his pokemon but you command Absol once again and point to the Warden this time, and Absol obliges and strikes the Warden down with the same attack, likewise making him fall to the ground from the wound.

“I think it is,” You say smugly and notice that the Warden has dropped a pokedex and a few keys, presumably to other areas in the building. You pocket the items and show the other cuff on your hand to Absol, who nudges his horn toward it and breaks it apart. “Thanks,” you say to the pokemon, petting its head to its delight; it must still be young, you reckon from the note that you received from Cynthia and its current demeanor in light of the situation. You open up the Warden’s pokedex and it seems to have a ton of apps and documents on it; one document minimized referring to some capture of three mystical pokemon and experiments being conducted on them in this facility and another file revealing what seems to be a map of the current building you’re in. You pinpoint where you are right now and look at several other sectors of the building, “Pokemon Storage, Captives-in-Transit, Guard Station, Armory, Entrance, Experimentation Room, Rear-exit, Audience Room, and Holding Cells.” Your grammar isn't the best in the world, but you’re linguistically skilled enough to guess what these mean, and it seems like Prinplup’s Pokéball would have to be in the Pokemon Storage if not on the soldier who pilfered him from you who could still be lingering all over the whereabouts of the building.

Captives-in-Transit could possibly hold Cynthia, Eirik, or Riley if the worst didn’t happen to them yet…You slow your thought’s digression, you can’t afford to lose your steel now. You think that if you can get some other prisoners to join your cause you may be able to cause a riot and overtake the building, and it wouldn’t hurt to check and see if your friends are there either.

You touch the app’s screen and it reveals a second layer, a ventilation system that you think could be used to get to these areas undetected. You notice that the man on the floor isn’t quite dead; you have to make a choice now while opportunity knocks!

As always, the choice is yours PB, even when these pressing matters seem to be the most dire.

A) Start a Prison Uprising! (1- Take the Warden’s pokeballs and head to the Captives-in-Transit! 2-Overwhelm the current guards around you with the element of surprise!)
B) Go to the Pokemon Storage in an attempt to rescue Prinplup!
C) Leave while you still can! (1- Rush the Exit whilst mounting Absol, 2- Approach the exit through the Ventilation Ducts and sneak through)
D) Investigate the Experimentation Room!

You have until March 13th to vote! Choose wisely, the winds just may blow in your favor. Until next time, PB!
RE: Winds of Time - PokéBeach CYOA - Chapter 22

B. You'll need all the help you need!
RE: Winds of Time - PokéBeach CYOA - Chapter 22

Let's go with B! Prinplup is our friend and we just can't leave him behind!
RE: Winds of Time - PokéBeach CYOA - Chapter 22

I think we should go A, that way we have more chances of rescuing Prinplup after :p
RE: Winds of Time - PokéBeach CYOA - Chapter 22

I feel like D could make for an interesting story... so yeah, I guess that's what I'll vote.
RE: Winds of Time - PokéBeach CYOA - Chapter 22

Chapter 23

You stare at Absol and for a moment you ponder escaping the facility and never coming back; leaving all the horrors that you’ve experienced thus far, but the thought leaves you as quickly as it came. Prinplup needs you more than anyone right now, and with all of your friends possibly dead in this facility, he stands to be the only one you can save.

You peer your head through the outline of the door, tilting it to the side until you’re sure that there’s not a soul stirring beyond the door that could dare to catch you. You approach the door with nervous fervor and jam a key into the lock as quickly and silently as you can. ‘Crk!’ the door sounds but doesn’t bulge, and you grab another one of the keys you snagged from the warden and try again. You suddenly hear footsteps coming from beyond the hallway and sweat transpires from your forehead and drops from the bridge of your nose onto the floor as you try to maintain your composure and Absol, reading your stressful visage, watches the hallway in anticipation. Finally, the door accepts your key and turns open but the screaming creak it utters is enough to warrant suspicion from the guards beyond the corner. Absol comes running through the door and you shut it behind him all the while the footsteps grow in proximity and audible prominence!

You return Absol into its pokeball and look-around to see a room cluttered with tables and old-dusty open books with the smell of nutmeg. In the back of the room are old chipped and cracked beakers set aside for disposal; before you can get a closer look you hear sudden banging on the door. Chills run down your spine but you look above you and notice a vent just above one of the tales but the knocking grows evermore and stiffens your legs in utter fright. You stand on the table and it seems sturdy enough to hold you—not that you have much choice anyway, you can feel your legs twitching violently out of fear as your hands touch the cold vent-plate and pull it off. Immediately you pull yourself up with all your might; and finally, you work your way into the vent and start crawling through the tight space and behind you there is a noticeable cataclysmic crash from the room you entered; you’ve lost the element of surprise and time is not on your side. You pull out the pokedex and view the map of the facility once again, attempting to guide yourself through the small-chambers of the ventilation system that almost make you feel claustrophobic.

You reach one of the captives-in-transit room that you viewed on the map but you hear the sound of a feminine voice that you quickly identify as Mars talking to a subordinate. You pause your trail to listen in on the conversation.

“So, we have a rat trying to make a run for it?” She asked with such pompous confidence that it disgusts you.

“Yes, Mam. She apparently overpowered the Warden and escaped through the vents. We’re not even sure if she’s still here.” He reported in a formal tone.

“Simple. Send a squad to patrol the city, if she tries to escape the city she’ll run into the border patrol; and she should stick out like a sore thumb if she tries to blend in. Make sure this one doesn't escape, it’s best to nip these things in the bud before they grow.” She remarked and it sent shivers down your spine—you now know that if you had tried to escape, it would've been a death wish.
The soldier departs from the room and quietness fills the air but you have a feeling you want to wait until Mars leaves as well so you don’t raise suspicion, but you hear a masculine voice reply to her…The answer soon comes to you who it is: Riley.

“Well done, are you proud of yourself?” His voice is ragged with fatigue, but it’s delightful to know that he’s still alive.

“Very, actually. Though I can’t say the same for you,” Mars says plainly. “We could’ve been something more, but you let your sense of justice and half-baked ideals betray you and everyone who followed you.”

“And you let your fear control you to backstab everyone you called your friends. My plan may have failed but at least I see something more when I look in the mirror of everyday then you’ll ever see…” Riley responds calmly, almost in acceptance of his current predicament.

“I’m afraid you won’t be looking in the mirror anytime soon.” She takes out a pokeball from her belt.

“Do you mean to kill me?” He asks.

“No, we have strict orders to leave your physical-body intact.” She muses and summons a pokemon to her side—you struggle to think of what pokemon and what could be happening.

“You see, as the leader of the rebellion, you hold precious information that we wouldn't dare throw away in exchange for something as minuscule as your minuscule life. Your cage will be nothing compared to the prison your mind will soon be.”

A) What must be done, must be done. (Remain quiet as Mars takes over Riley’s Mind, Prinplup is still just ahead!)
B) Save your friend in need! (Drop down the vent to save Riley then go rescue Prinplup!)

I hate to divide you all down the middle, but there isn’t too many options in this predicament. Do you save Riley while you still can, or not blow your cover in favor of reaching Prinplup later?

As always, the choice is yours, PB! You have until April 3rd to submit your votes. Until next time, PB!
Oh dear.

Absol is with us and has special attacks, correct? Is there a possibility that Absol could KO Mar's Pokemon (Purugly?) from afar?
That's a possibility, bbninjas. But you'd also risking exposing yourself by dropping down the vent, since you can't summon Absol from where you are now. Also, the voting period has been extended to 4/15 so be sure to get your votes in before then!
I'd say B. Yes, you're risking yourself, but you're risking the whole Resistance if you let Mars get into his head.
Just so you guys know, we aren't dead! :D
Chapter 24 is almost ready to go, we're just discussing some of the ideas in it and where they will lead.
Thanks for your patience and get hyped! :)
Chapter 24

“I’m not afraid.” Riley bravely replied. “You may imprison my mind, but you won’t be able to cut the Resistance’s wings. It’s grown far too much for you to stop it.”

“No one told you? How surprising. The ‘Resistance’ couldn’t resist our counter-attack in the other prison. There were no survivors. Not even that green-haired guy you seem to rely so much on.”

At the mention of green hair, you feel your heart beating faster. You start to hyperventilate, but you manage to control yourself somewhat. There was no way that could have happened. The Resistance had so many Pokémon and men! They weren’t even supposed to know they would go…

“W-what? The Resistance crashed? N-No…That’s…impossible…we had…the best men…”

The despair in Riley’s voice is so evident you don’t even need to see his face to know how exactly how he feels. But you have to be strong now, so you chase those thoughts from your head.

“Well, sweetie, see, in this war, men don’t matter. Anyone who can throw a PokéBall is good enough for this. It’s all about the Pokémon. I’m a bit surprised you didn’t know this. You’re pretty smart, after all. Except for the fact that you refused to join us, of course.”

“You can no longer call me that, and that’s something you know well.” His voice sounds a bit nostalgic, although firm. “That way of thinking will be your doom. None of your men would risk their life for you. Mine, on the other hand…”

“Don’t take it to heart, Riley. I stopped meaning it long ago. Anyways, it’s time for your mind to show us all of your little secrets about those puppies you call ‘The Resistance’, sweetheart.”

You can’t wait anymore. You decide to save Riley. You quickly drop down the vent and summon Absol. As soon as you do, Mars notices you.

“You never learn, do you? How many times does my Purugly have to injure your Pokémon? Last time you won because you used a cheap trick. This time, if my informants are correct, said trick isn’t available…so you have no chance of survival, kid. Go, Purugly!”

After she summons her Pokémon, Mars takes out some sort of necklace and puts it on. Suddenly, the mysterious Pokémon in front of Riley starts preparing some sort of attack, but you can’t do anything about it because the distance between Absol and said Pokémon is too wide. Or that’s what you thought, because you suddenly see a shadow sliding towards it at the speed of light. Before anyone can even gasp, the Psychic Pokémon falls on the floor, Knocked Out. At this, Mars is visibly angry.

“Is that all you can do, you worthless good-for-nothing Pokémon!? You clearly weren’t worth all the trouble we went through to get you! However, the boss will be angry if I just leave you here…you’re lucky, girl. Was I not obligated to heal this Pokémon, you would have met a painful end.”

With these words, she takes the little Pokémon in her arms and leaves, leaving you surprised about how quickly she mastered her emotions.

“Purugly, make sure those 2 don’t go anywhere.” She says before closing the door behind her. The Pokémon seems to remember what happened last time you faced it, and it seems to be angry at you. It slowly goes towards you with a menacing look, but Absol quickly gets in between the 2 of you. Absol’s horn starts glowing with darkness, as if some sort of really small black cloud was forming around it. Purugly starts glowing with energy to use Quick Attack, but it doesn’t even have time to move, as Absol strikes it down with its horn faster than a Ninjask flies.

Purugly, surprised by the shock, takes a second to come back to its senses, but that second is all it takes for Absol to jump above it and finish it with a skillful hit to a precise spot in the back. Immediately after the hit, Purugly opens its eyes wide from the pain and faints.

“Good job, Absol!” You say, incredibly happy that it all went well. Your face must have shown too much happiness, you think, as you see Absol running towards you. The Pokémon jumps at you and makes you fall, and it rubs your cheek with its head.

“Stop it, Absol,” you say playfully. The young Pokémon gets off you, and you return it to its PokéBall before standing up and freeing Riley from the chair to which he was tied, and notice he’s unconscious. Since he’s too heavy for you, you decide to leave him there with a note and to lock the door with the keys you got from the Warden.

Once this is done, you return into the ventilation system and open the PokéDex to see where the Pokémon Storage is again. Once you’re sure you won’t forget, you struggle to put the PokéDex into your pocket and continue your way.

Some minutes after, you arrive at your destination, but you have no way of getting into the room, as there is no weak spot on the vent for you to exploit. You can’t really use Absol here, so you have no choice but to continue and find another way of getting to it. A while after, you can finally get out of the vent, which was making you feel sick with the restrained space. You look around you, and see plenty of books with notes on them, a necklace, and a couple of computers. This must be Mars’ office, you think, because the necklace there is the exact same as she was wearing before.

You look into her notes, and see a lot of drawings of Pokémon. They all are very similar, but some have the eyes closed, others half-closed, and the other ones have their eyes completely open. They seem to be wearing some sort of armor or metallic suit. You keep reading through the book, and find a picture of that same necklace in the office, although the on in the picture has a gem in every segment of it, and its edges are covered in metal. “The mind can be controlled, as it’s nothing but a computer without any evident input. Once one, however, finds the gateway to the brain, there is little that can be done to fight against whatever command you send in there. For it is a machine, and as complex as it may be, it cannot overwrite its own programmation.” Those few sentences send chills down your spine, as you realize what SWC could do with this power.If only I had my purse, you think, this would be probably of great help to the Resistance.

After reading through the book, you decide to check on the computer, as there could be even more information there.

As soon as you turn it on, you see there are plenty of folders full of files. You scroll through them, until one of them catches your attention. Project Worm. After asking yourself why anyone would name anything ‘Worm’ you open it. There is plenty of information that you can’t really understand, until you come across ancient texts speaking of Arceus, Giratina, and other Pokémon of Legend, masters of time and space.

I have a bad feeling about this. Luckily for you, the ever-useful PokéDex you took from the Warden has a camera for some reason. After taking pictures of everything, you walk out of the door to go get Prinplup, as there’s no way you’re getting to it through the vent.

There’s no one, so you can just walk without any worries, at least for now. You check your PokéDex again, and see your destination is in front of you. You slowly open the door and look inside. The lights are off, there’s no one. There are plenty of shelves, all full of PokéBalls. Great. How am I supposed to find Prinplup?

You turn on the lights and notice that each shelf is identified with a letter. Once you find the ‘P’ you take almost no time to find Prinplup’s PokéBall, but decide to keep it inside to not draw any attention. You go back into Mars’ office, and then into the vent again, this time heading back to where you left Riley. After a while, you start thinking you took the wrong way. I should already be there…It’s been ages since I last heard anything!

Since you can’t really turn around, you keep crawling. Suddenly, you stop. You heard a voice, but not Riley’s.

“Are the other 2 ready yet?” the voice says. You have no idea of who this could be, so you just keep listening. “We have total control over them with that special artifact of yours.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but the other 2 will have to wait. Apparently, there is a member of the Resistance spying on us right now from the vents. It’s a 16 year-old girl, who carries only an Absol and a Prinplup.”

Who are these men? How could he know? I didn’t even make a noise!

“Now that is interesting, my friend. Show yourself, girl! If you don’t try to do anything, we won’t harm you. You have my word.”

“She has no intention of giving up. She’s hostile. There’s not an ounce of common sense in her head right now. A boy, isn’t it? A green-haired individual named Eirik, it seems.”

“If you show yourself unarmed, I guarantee you he will be safe. If you think you can’t trust me, I’m telling you, a lord’s word can always be trusted.”

That was Chapter 24, and the first chapter to be posted in the new PokéBeach! Although this has brought many changes, one thing hasn’t changed at all: You still get to choose what to do! Yay! :D

A) Do what this person and his mysterious friend who knows everything want and maybe save Eirik, but always with the risk of being lied to,

B) Pretend to do as in A), but as soon as you show yourself you take out your Pokémon, OR

C Talking to them from where you are, which doesn’t really matter since they somehow know you’re there already. Ooooo mysterious.

You have until the 12-05-15 (exactly five days) to vote, and…see you all next time! :D
Bumping this so it doesn't fall into oblivion...and for the users on the other side of the world who might want to know about this :p
I'm 90% sure the 'sir' is Saturn... however I don't understand how he would know with the Pokemon he canonically has in possession. If it /is/ Saturn, then I'd imagine our character will have no chance - the Toxicroak will decimate Absol and Piplup won't be able to handle all of Saturn's Pokemon. Sooooo... I'm guessing the best option is either A or C. I'm voting C.
Wait...the 'sir' is the person who told you to show yourself...that person doesn't know what Pokémon you have. Or didn't know, until the other mysterious person said it.

2 days left!
Voting ends today! Make sure you vote before the deadline :D you better do...
So guys. Since this hasn’t been getting a lot of attention lately, we figured maybe some sort of TL;DR would help potential new readers who don’t want to scroll through 24 chapters to get started. Just keep in mind that even though I wrote this in a ‘story form’ it’s 24 chapters in one, so I kept only what was necessary and thus it probably just looks like a bunch of actions. I've also included the Prologue and a description of Mia so no one gets lost.

In the region of Sinnoh, one young boy stands against oppression as he fights bravely against the evils of Team Galactic and its nihilistic leader. Together with the region’s Champion, he enters the Distortion World to confront the Galactic Boss and end his schemes once and for all. None of the three are ever seen or heard from again.

But back in the normal world, life does not quite go as normal. Small changes begin to appear around Mt. Coronet and the Sinnoh region, like glitches in a computer game. A lake disappears as if it had never had water. A factory becomes a farm and then a shopping mall in the blink of an eye. A boy’s family disappears as if they were never born. A statue in a city center is replaced with a flower that grows at remarkable speeds until it towers over all the buildings and then dissolves into ash that blows away on the wind.

A god tests his powers.

A new world is born.

Generations later, the Shining White City has become the pinnacle of life and achievement in the world. Ruled over by the White Lord, the elite remnants of humanity live lives of luxury within their crystal walls, cared for by Pokémon who cater to their every whim, never wanting for anything.

Those who live outside the City are less fortunate. The lands beyond the walls are a scoured wasteland devoid of life and hope. Most of humanity was destroyed in the creation of the City and the docile and trained Pokémon enslaved. Small communities have formed near natural bodies of water and sources of food, but without the Pokémon and technology that used to be their livelihoods, they are forced into subsistence, eking out a living however they can. Hordes of fierce, wild Pokémon prowl the hills and forests, competing with violent human gangs for victims and food.

It is in this desolate wasteland in this desperate hour that we meet our hope.

You are Mia, a 15-year-old girl from the northern wastelands. You have long, ice blue hair usually braided and coiled at the back of your head to keep it out of your way, and a lithe but sturdy build. Your skin is pale from the lack of sunlight near your home, and you are dressed in an assortment of leathers and furs from old kills. You have been hunting since you were old enough to draw a bow or throw a spear, and you began to live on your own and care for yourself as soon as you were proficient enough to do so. One day, you found an egg and kept it for food, but it hatched and a Piplup came out from it. Instead of obeying your instinct and eating it, you kept it and he’s been your partner ever since.

Story Thus Far

One beautiful morning, after you had spent the night with Piplup in a cavern because a snowstorm was beginning, you find your village completely destroyed. Like, it’s so destroyed there’s absolutely nothing left. Not a single corpse, not a single piece of wood. Nothing.

With few other choices left, you and Piplup decide to make your way south. With nothing more than the clothes on your back and the Pokémon at your side, you begin to make the trek south, following old hunting trails.

Finally, at the end of the fifth day of travel, the snow has cleared and the forest is thinning, so you can see a bit of your surroundings. Mt. Coronet is ahead to the south, but the mountains are already climbing to the west. Wind blowing from the east brings the scent of salt on the wind reminding you that the sea is there, even though you can’t see it yet.

Directly ahead of you is the most interesting sight, however: a village. Not much of one, to be sure, just a few buildings clustered together at the edge of the forest, but it’s the first time you’ve seen any sign of civilization since the first ice storm, so you decide to head there.

Once you arrive, you’re asked if you can help the village get rid of some bad guys who regularly come raid it with no one to stop them. So, you decide to help. After a though battle, Piplup defeats the gang leader’s Gible, so they’re forced to leave.

You stay in the village one more night, and then you leave. On your way, you meet Professor Rowan and his assistant, Caleb. In a visit to his house, he gives you a PokéDex and PokéBalls, and you vow to never kill Pokémon again (you were obligated to, otherwise you would have starved living in the north).

After some more traveling, you find a cave with a Ralts being harassed by two grunts from the same gang you fought some days ago. They run at your sight, and then you manage to catch the Ralts. Afterwards, you find another village, but this one is more ‘civilized’. So, you meet Niloas, the 14 year-old Chimchar boy, and receive a letter from a mysterious Z who wants to meet you.

Since you decide to ignore the letter, this Z person decides to kidnap you and bring you to a cave. He asks for your help in overthrowing SWC (Shining White City) but you say no. Later in the afternoon, some people from SW capture your now-friend Nikolas, so in the end you decide to help Z and the Resistance, partly to save the orange-haired boy.

Z and you go up Mt. Coronet to reach one of the Resistance’s bases, and on the way you socialize and learn his true name is Riley. In the base, you meet Eirik and Buck, two of the guys who help out Riley. Almost as soon as Eirik starts talking to you, there’s an explosion and you’re forced to leave alongside Riley, Buck, Eirik and Eirik’s Turtwig.

After hours of traveling, you stop to eat and realize you’re being followed. Promptly, a skirmish starts, and Piplup evolves in the process. You continue your way, and you eventually reach the point where the path splits with SW in one side, and the prison where Nikolas is in the other. You go with Riley and Buck to SW while Eirik goes to the prison to rescue some men. On your way up, you fight Mars and some other 19 grunts, but Ralts evolves and uses a clever tactic with Prinplup to beat them all. Shortly after, you receive a note from a Starly that Eirik and the Professor were caught and locked up in SW.

When you’re about to reach the top, Riley realizes you can’t make it in the city alone, so he goes to a nearby Resistance base. However, you don’t wait and go into the city alone. With the help of Cynthia, you make it into the prison, find Eirik and the Professor, you and Eirik finally kiss after all of what you went through, and then you teleport him and the Professor away from danger. Cynthia uses her Togekiss to get you both out of there, and she leaves you outside the city with an Absol; and then she goes fight Mars inside.

You wait for a long time, and when you hear people coming, you let your guard down and get captured. However, you escape with Absol, save Riley from being brain-washed and take pictures of SW’s plans. When you try to escape for real, you find a mysterious person who seems to know everything about you… And that’s where we left last chapter :p

Chapter 25

You consider your options for a moment, but then you realize doing what this man says makes no sense so you decide to take the safest route.

“Who are you? How do you know all that? I hardly made a noise!”

“You may call me Charon. Unfortunately for you, you remind me of the kid that ruined our plans in the Valley Windworks a long time ago. Fortunately for you, I carry no Pokémon right now.”

“You still haven’t answered my question. How do you know about me?”

“Oh, my apologies. I was busy looking for a plan in your head, which I didn’t really find, that I forgot about that. Let’s just say that we…had a breakthrough in science. But please, enough of me. Allow me to introduce my master here. Master Lucas, Mia. Mia, Master Lucas. The White Lord in person.”

Genetics? What has this man done? What is the extent of his power?

“It’s a pleasure, Mia. Come out, you’ve nothing to fear. I told you, you can trust my word.”

His voice sounds firm and authoritarian, but there’s something in it you can’t resist. You come out of the ventilation system, and are instantly paralyzed by the surprise. There’s no one! W-Where are they? They were here! I heard them! I talked with them!

“Oh, but don’t be so deceived, Mia. We’re right here.” You suddenly feel someone smelling your hair, and you turn immediately. There’s no one.

“Even though there is a very big conflict going on, you still manage to get your hair to smell like fruit? No doubt this Eirik fellow likes your hair so much.”

You look around, confused. There is no place to hide. There is nothing, actually. You just realize that there is nothing but a door in the room where you are.

“Where are you? Show yourself!”

“We’re not hiding, Mia. Master Lucas and I are right here. Actually, I am here. Master Lucas left. No, I’m not behind that door. What there is behind it, though, will amaze you.”

You give up trying to figure out how he possibly knows all that through the use of science, and you walk through the door.

“Eirik!? What are you doing here!?” He’s inside a cell, and there’s a red button in a panel right next to it. You press it without thinking, but immediately regret your move, as you realize it was all too obvious.

Soon, you realize the huge mistake you made. Everything around you starts getting blurry, and then you start to see some sort of big ring around your legs. It’s glowing purple, and there’s a noise that reminds you of a laser machine preparing to fire its laser beam.

You don’t have the time to look around, because the purple light is now surrounding your whole body and doesn’t let you see anything. However, you can hear what’s happening, and you hear a conversation.

“Do you think she’ll survive the trip?” That’s a woman’s voice. “The others didn’t.”

“This one’s strong,” a man replies. “She has more motivation than any of the others. Her mission is fairly simple, though.”

The others? Mission? What’s all this about?

Before you start to make more questions on your head, a fact strikes you. You didn’t hear Eirik’s voice, and his face showed no emotion when you came in to rescue him. He would have smiled. Or said my name. Or anything, really. He would have been concerned about me doing this trip. He was never here.

Suddenly, everything goes black, and you feel something like butterflies in your stomach. Then, you faint.

When you wake up, you feel an intense pain in your abdomen. When you manage to stand up, you look around and see nothing but some kind of darkness, as if the sky had turned purple and had some random waves of black here and there.

Where am I? What is this all about? You think, and since there’s no more need to hide yourself, you take Prinplup out of its PokéBall to greet it.

At your sight, the Pokémon jumps in joy and hugs you (or something close to hugging you) and looks really happy.

“Prinplup! I was so worried about you! I was afraid you…they…but it doesn’t matter anymore. You’re here with me, and that’s what really matters.”

With these words, the penguin looks around, and much to your surprise, is instantly frightened by the place and starts shaking slightly.

“Prinplup? What’s wrong?”


That sounded really scary and severe, almost not human.

“Will you stop, you mad scientist? I’ve had enough confusion for today. Also, what’s with that voice?”


Immediately after these sentences are said, you feel something like a weak earthquake, but it’s hard to tell as there’s absolutely nothing around you that could possibly be shaken by the earth, except of course for Prinplup, but you can’t really tell if it’s shaking because of the tremor or if it’s still shaking out of fear of wherever you are now.

A second after, a shadow comes out from below you and goes up in the sky, and heads towards the north at incredible speed.

Yes, this chapter is relatively short and not many things happened, but it actually contains one of the most important, if not the most important choice you will make.

So, for this chapter, you get to make 2 choices! Wooo! Do note that if voting, you must submit one choice for the 1st part and one choice for the 2nd part.

1st part: What did the shadow look like?

A): It had a horse-ish-shaped body with wings (?) that had spikes/claws in them.

B): It had a horse-ish-shaped body with something in it, though you can’t really tell what.

C): It had a horse-ish-shaped body with wings (?) at what looked like the part where the neck and the body connect.

D): It had a horse-ish-shaped body with big spikes where the tail should be, and a unusually long head.

2nd part: What will you do?

A): Follow the shadow.

B): Explore this place a bit, who knows what you’ll find.

Your votes are due for the 24th! Until then, everyone :D
1) A (sounds coolest)

That shadow sounds like it was waaaaaaay too quick to follow, but it sounds like our only hope back home. Plus, the shadow sounds genuine compared to the Galactic staff :U
In case anyone was wondering (or if they noticed none of the links in the OP worked) the OP is now completely up to date, with links to every single chapter including the Prologue. The links to the Profile pages of people mentioned there have also been updated.

Well, ninjas, I meant you could follow the trail of fire it left behind it by simply walking in the same direction :v