Will any of the previous girls like Misty or May come back in the next season?

luckyluigi7 said:
That was a great movie. :)
If Misty were to appear in another episode or special of Pokemon, it would have to have an exciting storyline like that. ;)

Except the voices.... :p

Look at this: Tsk. Only 35 seconds into the mini film, and the only matching voice is the narrator. :p This is the re-dub, also (I think)

Also, it me, or is the opening theme song kinda perfect for the actual show opening? Maybe the next season of Diamond and Pearl could use it? :p

YouTube wasn't playing videos for me, so here is an alternative for the following clip:
Ash is a jerk...
Anyway, I have a HUGE (not really) question:

If the more evil version version of Mewtwo from Pokemon The First Movie and Mirage Mewtwo were to for some reason fight, who would win?
Psychic Whisperer said:
Probably Mirage Mewtwo.

And yes, I hated the new voices.

You know, Pokemon got the worst possible 10th Anniversary Special.... Even I could have done better, and my drawings aren't the best (take a look at my avatar...). Nah, the animation is fine. The voices... MAYBE I could have done better. Maybe... :p

Luckily, there exist.... THE INTERNET and FAN DUBS...
misty's voice actress in japan has said that misty will make another appearance in the anime, during diamond and pearl. She said that a long ago, when the season first started in japan.

The whole Togekiss thing seems logic. I hope she has some of the new Sinnoh water poke'mon like Lumineon or maybe a blue Gastrodon? But May's had her only appearance in diamond and pearl. What disappointed me with her appearance, was that they only improved her old team. I was expecting May to have all new Johto poke'mon!